4:01pm May 1 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
The site is fairly easy to navigate, but it seems like there are a flood of links. I think the hatchery and inventory (and other user-based places) should be explained more, mostly for younger users, or people who ask for it. I'm not sure I even found an FAQ yet, which I can usually find relatively fast. I also was not sure how to make money on here, but since I have a lot of experience, I've mostly figured that out. The art is high-quality though, so I like that. I'm trying to collect all the creatures! :)
4:14pm May 1 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
i thought the sign up process was fairly easy and straight forward. i thought it was cool when i first went on but mabey a instructions page would help and if it was already there, please make it easier to find because i was super worried that my eggs in the hatchery would be rotting but i still liked to collect like 5 a day. but other than that, everything is fine.
4:54pm May 1 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 9
Rescretu's front page was really amazing, and any anxiousness in me before signing up was blown away as the front page is incredible, and informative. The sign-up was quick, simple and still very inviting. ~ First visit into the site was surprisingly bright, and blue. Navigating the site was simple, and I love the tabs up the top. The way the site was organised is unbelievable, I'm amazed at this site, and always will be!
5:03pm May 1 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
HEY! lol im about a week old here on rescreatu! the registration process was very smooth and at point where i got confused with things like feeding my pets, the people on the site were quick and kind to help! the help page was also extremely helpful! I love it here and im having lots of fun with my new pets!
now i must go finish setting up my avi!
5:06pm May 1 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 11
Was the registration and log in process smooth for your first visit? Registration was relatively easy and quite smooth, I had no problems with the log in which was a nice change from some other sites
Was it too confusing? If so where can we improve? I don't believe its too confusing although a walkthrough on where to go and how to get fully started would be nice, I did the little walkthrough up at the top which got me started but it wasn't until I settled down and looked at the different species and what not that I started to get an appreciation for things. I signed up as a rancher which is nice, wish I could hatch more pets in a given time and I'm still not 100% sure how eggs become spoiled.
How easily were you able to navigate and learn the website? Navigation of the site is pretty easy, I have no complaints there. Still learning the site but I only signed up an hour or two ago.
5:46pm May 1 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
It was quite easy logging in, and the registration was very easy to.
Nothing was too confusing on here, it was pretty easy to get.
It was easy navigating for me, because I've been on many sites like this before.
(Other:If you want to improve anything you could always help the user out by telling them how to do more stuff on the website like shopping, auctioning, or anything else like that.)
6:42pm May 1 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
We should be able to hatch as many eggs as we want! I have many eggs that are ready to hatch and I don't want them to spoile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8:04pm May 1 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
Sign up was easy and figuring out the sight wasn't that hard. At first I was a bit confused but then i noticed the tips the sight was giving me and i followed them. It helped a lot and I was able to start the game without a lot of searching for what to do.
8:59pm May 1 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
hi my onlyproblem was gettingthe varifacation link but thasprobubly because you have so any to send out other wise it was fast and easy
9:38pm May 1 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
The site is great, I've been really addicted to it honestly(: I just wish that we could hatch like 5 eggs a day and that finding the ranching shops was easier (or maybe that's just me learning to navigate the site) But I really love it, keep doing what your doing and it'll stay great and get better(; lol
10:35pm May 1 2012
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Posts: 1
I found the sit by clicking on a banner from chickensmootie. The registration process was very straight forward, the only hard part was finding the link to register. Most websites have the registration link next to the login so it took me a while to find, I almost gave up trying to find it.
1:10am May 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
Was the registration and log in process smooth for your first visit? Registration and log-in was fairly smooth the first visit. Was it too confusing? If so where can we improve? The home page "rescreatu.com" is a bit confusing to navigate looking for the actual site to game on, if that makes sense? (Usually I manually go to "rescreatu.com/hatchery".) How easily were you able to navigate and learn the website? Navigating and learning how to work the website was very easy! My only complaint is that in the hatchery in the "old" and "spoiled" eggs, when you click "go back" and it redirects to the "fresh" eggs again. Not a big deal, I know coding sites has got to be crazy and its liveable! Thanks!
3:38am May 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
Hi! Signup was easy and intuitive. I ran into some problems when it started to tell me to hatch my first pet, because I didn't understand hatching times and such right away, but it was easy to learn! I felt like I belonged easily.
4:16pm May 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
I found the game through a banner link, and I am very impressed with the site. Sign up is easy, navigation is as well once you get the hang of it. I think that a link for a new users guide would be very helpful for those who are just starting out.
7:45pm May 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 4
Registering was incredibly smooth I didn't have any problems with required information. I myself didn't have much problem navigating the site, but when i was telling my younger sister about it she recalled already signing up for it and quitting shortly thereafter because she didn't know how to find/get creatu's after explaining it to her she loved the site, so i would say some work is needed in that department. I do love the site and think you are doing a wonderful job.
9:08pm May 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
Hello :) Zoroarkgirl here just letting you know the signup was easy and went very smoothly I just joined the site and I already like it! keep up the great work you guys :D
1:16am May 3 2012 (last edited on 1:19am May 3 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 2
1. For me, the registration was quite fast and smooth, it only took me about a minute or so to. On the log in though, I had a bit of a problem on the first visit, whenever I type my username and password (on the first time) it says that I shouldn't use my e-mail to log in, which really confused me because I didn't use my e-mail to log in.
2. In a way, it was confusing. At the start I was glad there was a notice that helped me through the most basic things to do but after that I didn't know what to do next. So I agree with the other users for a walk through. For example, when you go to the Auctions, it will give you a basic knowledge on how to operate it so that we won't be confused.
3. I find it hard to navigate through some of the links, but learning about the website was easy enough. Sometimes it's hard to find your way because some links branches into more links and so on and so forth. For example is the pet directory, I have to go to the Incubator first to go to the Pet Directory. I think a way to solve this is to expand the search box, instead of just searching for Shops, Usernames and Galleries, you can also search for the certain place you want to go to.
Also, just my input, but I think that it is good to be able to only hatch 3 eggs a day. It gives us limits and control over how many creatures we can have and it doesn't let us feel overburdened with extra eggs. Hope this helps! :)
3:38am May 3 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 6
Signing up was easy, I found the site through a deviant art user who posted some fan art of several creatu species. I think it would have been nice to have an introductory page explaining the differences and features between rancher and merchant, maybe something about the worlds. I still think it's interesting you can go between these four worlds but not Uldavi. I'm unaware there is any story for that as of now.
Over all it's fun to play, I like collecting things so this game appealed to me. This is a personal preference, but I've never liked pet sites where only one pet can have a particular name, this may just be a technicality of differentiating information on the internet but I can better understand that for user profiles not "pets" or items affiliated with a user account. So far I've not even bothered with quests because most of them that I've looked at are requesting items I can't even find the names for. Maybe that's the point but at the same time I don't feel like wasting the time to try and find some item that's probably going to be worth more than the quest is worth. I love inflated ingame prices. Anyway, it's a cute little game and maybe I'll figure out there's more to it the longer I play.
12:23pm May 3 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
I was bored and looking for a fun petsite to play on when I found thIS website. I signed up it is was quite easy. I love thIS website and I get all excited when I find an egg or an egg is hatching. Just a suggestion, every time a rancher levels up they could hatch 1 more egg than before and a merchent could get 150TU every month after they level up.
3:07pm May 3 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
Signing up for me was super easy since I have a email and a regular username I use alot. I really like that you can battle with other Rescreatu Owners but the page didn't work, Also it is very hard to find rare Eggs or to buy them. I LOVE this game though totally awesome! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! ;)