5:21pm May 3 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 622
XD I remember it soo clearly when I joined.AshEcho had showed me the site. I qucikly signed up and it literatly took 2 minutes. Then I got the email and everything. Easy. Ash and Jylaz366 helped me out a lot.But when they are not there I asked people and sent in Support Tickets with questions. Everyone was really nice and answered me. I still do it. xD
The site is SO easy to get around. There is really nothing I would change. Another thing I love about this site is you can actually buy credits with TU. I think that is amazing! Thanks so much for making this site.
(-_-) zzZ
6:29pm May 3 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
LUV IT! i started maybe a few months ago and LOVE IT!
7:20pm May 3 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
Signing up was so easy and i got the hang of the game easy i even got my sister to join me we love it!
9:26pm May 3 2012 (last edited on 12:44pm May 4 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 709
Signing up was pretty easy and simple. Navigation is pretty simple too, except I didn't know you could click on the planets until my friend showed me how to. If there isn't one, maybe there should be a sort of tutorial...? The only thing that I think should be changed is that the help link should be moved to somewhere higher, 'cause I didn't notice that for a while.
5:57am May 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 4
It was smooth! I can't really think of anything bad,
11:09am May 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 2
I found this site as an ad on Chickensmoothie.com and thought it looked interesting, so I joined to see what it was like. Since I'm a fast learner I started understanding everything right away. Everything was smooth for me. :D I don't think there's much here that needs improvement, except a few things that I found rather... well, annoying I guess D: [although I really don't want to use that word ;u; *sniff*]
I think you should be able to make more dream avatars than just one. Maybe 4 or 5. . . You should be able to go to any planet. I think you should be able to hatch more than 3 eggs a day. Not too many, but at least a few more. . .
But that's just my opinion. Other wise, this site is perfect!! :3
A lot of people use my computer, such as TommyZilla and Ringopuppy. My siblings CountZim, Flynnpuppy, and IronMoeAngel as well use one computer. -Note to Mods
3:30pm May 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 140
Hi. I joined this game for 2months now. And signing up is simple and easy, but getting around Res is another thing. I find it hard to understand how to make TU, how to buy stuffs from NPC, and what for. Later on i saw that my brother is on here as well and get him to teach me the basics. Overall, this site is great but i think that more guides must be provided for newcomers. Hope this feedback contributes positively to this amazing site
4:45pm May 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 17
I found this site while looking at another site That i go to,and surprisingly signing up was very easy! The small introduction with incubating an egg was understandible unlike some sites that when you begin its "every man for himself". I do think that it would be a little more easier if there was an introduction to the different shops and etc. but other than that everything else is just fine :)
5:11pm May 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
I think the registration process was one of the easiest I've ever seen. The only thing that gets me is the human test. I'm never sure if its case sensitive or not...
10:13am May 5 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 181
Hi, this is the best site to talk and play games.
The sign up is easy as pie! It is amazing what you can do! I like the pets, but the colored ones should be easier to get! i mostly like the auctions, pets, fan clubs, clothes, and friends!
"The only dance step I wanna preform is get me out of this nuthouse and lets burn these memories from my head." Cole, the black ninja, master of earth. I <3 Cole!!!
11:44am May 5 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
Its been pretty confusing for me. I don't know how to do anything besides explore and hatch. I don't know what anything else does. I've tried looking at things and trying to figure them out, but I just don't understand.
3:31pm May 5 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
Sign up was easy and quick. Learning to navigate is quite obvious. Many questions can easily be answered by using the chat box.
My only request is that you make it a bit more involved, with more things to do in the different worlds. You have a great base, but need a bit more building.
Thanks for the game! I do really enjoy it.
6:37pm May 5 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 5
It's a pretty good signing in process, I like the quick but informational ones, like putting in the username and password and all the other basics as well as some extras. I really hate it when the process takes 20 minutes just to sign up. At first I found it difficult to nagivate through, but I understand it now. Might I suggest labeling the little icons for the hatchery on the top left side, etc. And possibly move the forums icon? You don't have to but it might make it easier. XD I spent oh say 20 minutes looking for it then I scrolled down and I was like "Oh! Forums!" XD But this site is really awesome overall. XD
10:53am May 7 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 35
I've been on Rescreatu for just under a month now. I found the site through a friend who mentioned it, then joined on my own. Joining and signing in was simple enough, and the little tutorial was extremely helpful in getting started. The FAQ was also very handy and more helpful than I find them to be on other pet sites.
From a newbie's perspective, a few things stand out that could be improved upon.
1. Noting what eggs are seasonal on the pet species guide would be nice. Given that they're under a certain world and have a rarity aside from 0 listed, I assumed you could find them like any other pet. I won't tell you how long I spent on Reiflem searching for an Iluvu. XD
2. Hatches. I don't believe a maximum of three hatches is enough. I'm new and I'm already getting a bit bored once I use my three daily hatches. On a site where a huge aspect of the gameplay is collecting pet outcomes, this is very limiting. Maybe 5 for Ranchers and 2 for Merchants to start, then have an option to "upgrade" your hatches using tu as you can do with your shops/showroom. The upper limit should probably be kept fairly low still (maybe 15 or 20) so no one goes crazy getting massive amounts of hatches, and the cost per upgrade should be significant.
3. Broken links and functions. Given the number of these, I actually had assumed that the site was quite new.
a) The broken search in trades almost completely nullifies the usefulness of the feature, and given that it's one of the few ways for Ranchers to sell items it should really be fixed as soon as possible.
b) Thread titles need to be editable. Between this and the trades thing, selling items is inconvenient to the point that I really just can't do anything with them.
c) There are a number of broken links under worlds and games that I'm sure everyone is aware of as well.
d) What appears to be an auto-replace with the word [injection] in place of an expletive is hindering the search function and has also made me lose the mystery item and word scramble games on multiple occasions. With as many words existing including the letters t, i, and t in that order, this just isn't practical.
I do really enjoy playing this site, and have already referred a friend. With the above suggestions taken into consideration, I can see myself getting into it a lot more in the future.
11:33am May 7 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
I love this site! I literally just joined, and I'm still waiting for my registration email to come so I can actually start playing on the site... But I've looked around all I can and I can't wait to start playing! I expect to have a great time here and invite a bunch of my friends!
6:23pm May 7 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
Gingerhoodie here. The sign up process was not confusing at all. I'm so used to web sites with confusing instructions, but here I was just able to dive right in. From what I can tell, it's a really great community as well. Also, you have NO idea how relieved I am that we don't have to pay real money or give away our credit card #s. Thanks a ton for that.
Overall, this website's really easy to navigate for a newbie. I'm extremly glad that I stumbled upon it, and I'll be sure to tell all of my friends with a computer.
7:30pm May 7 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
Answering for popor2 is her mom. At 10 years old it was a piece of cake to register and become a master at the process. Less interesting to a ten year old is answering your survey...
7:39pm May 7 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
Easy and fast...so easy and fast I can't remember the process. Hmmm. Of course I did have my 10 year old help me (she was excited to get Mom going in her game) Alas, she is not always there to help me sort out every unique function to the game; i.e. How in the world did she figure out to click on the quantity bar (which I didn't know was a quantity bar), when purchasing multiples in the shops?! I figured you just had to change the quantity numerically, but that didn't work. Fun game, as long as my daughter helps me :(
Finally having fun!
1:42am May 8 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
I have had a pretty easy time figuring things out. I also wish there was a step by step guide as to what to do next, but all in all a lot less complicated than most pet sites I've joined.
11:49am May 8 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 2
Was the registration and log in process smooth for your first visit? The registration was easy except for the gender options. I'm transgender, and it's always tough for me to decide which one to choose since I don't fit either of them. To make this site feel more welcome, alternative gender options would be nice, and I feel it would bring in more users. I have a lot of queer and questioning friends that would love to use a site that has more options. Was it too confusing? If so where can we improve? It was not confusing for me at all! The site looks clean and is easy to read. How easily were you able to navigate and learn the website? I had a hard time figuring out what the point of the game was, and where I should go first. It took me a while to find some of the game and features. Overall, it is easier to navigate than other petsites, such as neopets.