No more Natties in Auctions!

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2:14pm Aug 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 17,364

I'm sure i'm not the only person here on res that's annoyed with all the natties in auctions. I go there to find rare colors, not scroll through 10 pages of all junk pets. I'd suggest an option to pick what color of pet you are seeking and ignore ther natties, but now that you think about it, who wants to bid 13 tu on some nattie with a name as 'fghghdggfhjdghf'? sorry noobs, but people don't want those.

Mabye you could change it so you can't put naturals up for auction?


2:21pm Aug 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 4,893

I was thinking that maybe we should have filters for Pet Auctions. Based on colors, species, ages, alphabetically, intellect, auction end date, lowest TU from highest (or vice versa).. Something like that. o3o

Not all natural pets are junks. Some may have somewhat valuable names tagged onto them.

If anything, the seemingly meaningless "junk" creatu should be transferred over to the Atqueen forest. 

i’m such a gamer uwu

2:24pm Aug 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 17,364
I was thinking the same thing, but most naturals do have junk names. :U


2:32pm Aug 15 2011


Posts: 910

No support :u For many many reasons.
Some people need junkies and maybe user shops are too expensive

What if I want a nattie Aerix and shop prices are overpriced

I could go on...but I dont think I'm going to

There IS a filter for the auctions in the advances creatu search. 


3:07pm Aug 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 17,364

Forgot about Seasonals and CS pets. xDD Fail. I was talking about regular natural pets.

Too expensive? I beg to differ. There are natural Ardurs in Rancher Shops going for 1,000 tu. Not to mention the fact that people can just hatch natties instead of buying them. If people wanted to buy a nattie, why go go an auction? You have to wait and keep bidding to win anyway, when you can just hatch or buy? No wait requirered, except for waiting fior an egg to incubate.


3:47pm Aug 15 2011


Posts: 910
No XD I dont mean that. I'm talking about when someone buys all the nattie Aerixes in shops so the cheapest is 10m. I'm not gonna pay 10m for a nattie aerix!


4:00pm Aug 15 2011 (last edited on 4:02pm Aug 15 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

No support.

1) Merchants use the pet auctions and can stock all their pets in there instead of using a rancher shop.

2) Most naturals have amazing names.

3) Some person could be desperate to sell their natural and not have any way to do it. Blocked from the SB and they don't like posting in forums (maybe they get ignored too much), auctions are their last option.

4) If we blocked off naturals from pet auctions then we should block off common eggs from item auctions. It makes just about as much sense to do so.

5) There are natural CS and seasonal creatu. They are valuable and blocking them from the auctions would cause problems.


I'm all for a filter, but 100% against blocking naturals in auctions.


8:49pm Aug 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 405

No support, Natties have feelings, they can't help being born that way and have the most awesome names ever

Without natties, there'd might not be value in other colors, like the next color sepia

filter I'd be ok with


9:22pm Aug 15 2011 (last edited on 9:23pm Aug 15 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

So put up your paws, baby.. 'cause you were born this way~


In actual seriousness. xD A filter would be cool, but blocking certain pets? Nooooo.


10:31pm Aug 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,057
i agree with a filter but no pet blocking :[


1:58pm Aug 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
I support a filter, but not pet blocking for reasons stated above.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

5:18pm Aug 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,315
Same. Filter, no blocking :(


1:46pm Aug 18 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,836
if it gets blocked i would not be able to sell creatu.i am a merchant so filter


2:15pm Sep 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 50
I agree with what Whit said and agree with the filter but not blocking.


12:08am Sep 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,391
No support. T_T

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