Non Transferrable Credit Shop Items

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9:13pm Jan 8 2012 (last edited on 8:01am Jan 10 2012)

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Posts: 1,775
Non transferrable credit shop items should be only be able to be used by the person who bought it via the credit shop. They can't sell it for tu or transfer it to another user.

So that Res gets more real money funding to persue further endeavours. We also need to thank our staff for their time and effort. This will basically encourage users to donate more money.

Since we can purchase credits using tu. We should make a seperate currency to buy these non-transferrable items (Megacredits? Fancycredits? +Credit? Credit 2.0?). So basically, non-transferrable items cannot be bought with tu in any way.

Jzbelle also suggested a gift feature! So you could buy a friend a gift from the special credit shop! Isn't that awesome? 8D

- Not intended to benefit users.
- It's intended to benefit the staff and the development of the site. Think of it as free trade credit shop items.
- This is like your Winged Victory, Polluck's No.5, or signed poster in your house. Does it benefit you? No. Is it useful? No. Is it awesome? HECK YEAH
- Has absoluetly no affect on Res' economy (keep in mind that this economy is virtual. We are dealing with real money here)
-The money will speed up the development of the site. More money = more coder/staff. In the end, everyone benefits because we all get new features/items

Alright, if it bothers everyone that much (I still don't see why). Why not make all new credit shop items be initially only available for purchase using real money and then moving them to the normal credit shop after a period (1-2 months) sp people could buy using tu? People will still stay in anticipation of these items. So we won't get any jealous people because they'll know they will get it eventually?


What kinds of items?

Name exchange tags
Basically works like 2 name tags without the fuss. It will exchange the names of 2 creatu.

I think they should look like these scissor glasses with name tags in those frames. Classy ;D

Really awesome clothes
Yeah. Just be pimping. Put all the really badass clothes as non transferrable because people like looking like badasses.

Dye kit
Yeah, really awesome dye kit only available for people who like to give real money. I suggested a high fantasy colour (creatu that look like they came out of Final Fantasy or monster hunter) a while ago. I think that this is highly appropriate. I'll draw more high fantasy creatu as more people support this. Put suggestions below ;D

(Right click >> View image)

If I were to name this dye kit, I would name it 'high'. Because you'd get 'high flan' or 'high dragon' in fantasy games to show that something is freakin' badass and you shouldn't mess with it. The word 'high' may be mistaken for meaning something else though (like when someone takes some sort of fancy bad medicine when they don't need it).

Pat has responded to this idea and said that it's possible that a colour like this could be added but it would take a very long time to impliment.

Change 'normal user' (like in the forums?) to something else?
A really cheap one. May not be implimented due to the possibility of causing confusion though.

Different coloured skin avatars (for HAs)
Like leopard print or something.

New Pet
Like them Uldavi ones or maybe along the idea of the usual CS pets. Both the hatched pet and the egg cannot be transferred to another user. There should always be a transferrable CS pet available in the credit shop though. Maybe the non transferrable CS pet doesn't change? >D

(This pet plus the 'high' dye kit should be super badass)

-They should not undermine the game play experience of users that do not use credits to buy things. Only enhance features, not add features.
- Have little or no benefits for the user who buys them. The only good thing about them is that they look good.

Add more ideas! Make the list grow!


Feel the love man D:<


4:59am Jan 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
Absolutely no support. I'd say about three out of five (might even be four out of five) users are not able to buy credits, whether it be because of financial reasons or because they're just too young and not allowed to spend money on the site.
That's a lot of possible profit down the drain, especially if the items in the CS don't appeal to the ones with PayPal. Some people sometimes buy just to sell off to others, which is great for the ones who can't buy with actual money. But that can't be done when things are non-transferable.

If anything, those new pets and Dye Kits ESPECIALLY would make people angry and hurt. Nothing in a game should be "unobtainable" to some people and only available to others. I'd hate a game run like that.

Personally, I'd think twice about buying that pet because other users might become spiteful towards ME for having it. Face it, envy is a part of human nature. Even if nothing seems to change, I'm sure quite a few users would look at a person with that pet and feel negative feelings.

You have some nice ideas, but let's hope they're fair game to all.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

6:06am Jan 9 2012 (last edited on 6:20am Jan 9 2012)

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Posts: 1,775
This is why everything that goes into the 'non transferrable' section is only for extra items. Users don't lose out on an entire feature. This is to encourage more people to support res monetarily.

How is it a lot of profit down the drain when all the profit comes from people who give money? If you can get these things through virtual money, that's a lot of profit down the drain. If you meant that it's a lot of profit down the drain to make the item in the first place, well, they make items for free now. There is no monetary benefit from the normal items we have in place now, the current CS items have prospective profit (unless being bought using credits bought with tu). Why not make something that has guarenteed profit?

Sure they may not appeal to the people who are will to pay, but does it really matter. Does it have to? I understand not everything is going to appeal to everyone.

Mind you, this idea isn't aimed to benefit users at all, it's aimed to benefit the people who put a lot of work into making this game. I personally don't care about the effects this has on a virtual economy. Res's economy will not change with this feature added. No tu in, no tu out. Actually. I don't think this changes how 'fair' this game is. Does having fancy HA clothes benefit your 'score' at all? Have you ever thought of making it 'fair' for the staff?

Special dye kits/pets will make users jealous/hurt? Why not donate? These special things are like 'thank you' presents to people who are willing to donate and further the development in the game. You should be proud to have a special pet or a coloured pet because it shows that you were nice enough to contribute to the development and are willing to support Res. It's like a military medal, you need to do something awesome to get one. It's not unfair to other users. I don't see why. It's fair because you did something to get something. If you don't do something, you don't get anything. Simple.

Think of this as free-trade credit shop items. The workers get what they deserve.

Also I think people will be able to earn these special credits using that strange 'you won a million dollar' free credit thing. So people without paypal aren't at a loss.

Just to answer before anyone says this:
Oh ho ho? Res gonna sell out? People need to eat, people need money. So long as they don't make tshirts or plush toys, we're fine. This is exactly the same thing the credit shop is supposed to do. If having a credit shop is selling out, then bye bye CS pets ;D


Feel the love man D:<


6:32am Jan 9 2012


Posts: 3,205
i think you have some good ideas for some items but i dont agree with not being able to transfer them to other players. some people simply cant buy credits but really really want to, they can buy it of another player. these people who cant buy credits work hard for there Tu to buy credit shop items. they are working and helping to stimulate the economy to get something special. 
i also agree with Fox about people getting jealous, how ever much i would want a super special amazing pet that only a few can get i would feel terrible and im shore that many others will think that your rubbing the pet in there face. 

I really do like the items ideas tho (as i said before) especially the name swapper
may be these items can just be more expensive? 


6:40am Jan 9 2012 (last edited on 7:56am Jan 9 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
Yeah, it's not meant to be 'fair'. Does it matter if you don't have one of these items? No. I mean, I want the Winged Victory in my possession. Can I have it? No. Does fair mean you can get what you want? Life is unfair and it's unfortuneate that res overlaps with real life.

You say that these people are working to stimulate the economy. I find this arguement frail because this economy they're working for is a virtual economy in a game! This feature will not change this Res economy. These people who work hard to stimulate Res's economy have the benefit of having loads of tu and being able to buy anything they want!

Like I said earlier. There's always free credit offers. Just accumulate them over time. Maybe the eggs for the special creatu can be non transferrable but you can buy with normal credits. That means you can't sell your naturals that you don't want. Meaning everyone would have to possess credits in order to buy the egg. Some people could buy credit tokens for that. I am really wanting to benefit the staff who put their work into this. I think it's unfair that the users can just get things for 'free' (technically virtual money) when they were really supposed to pay for it (i.e. Use credit tokens rather than using real money to aquire credits).


Feel the love man D:<


9:02am Jan 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 777
I'm on the sidelines on this, while some of the ideas are good the one thing that would worry me is creating a divide on the site. One group; the ones that have paypal and the ones with the insane amount of tu required to buy credits with. I shall not name another petsite I've used that has a system like that but you can immediately put people into these categories.

That said, that does not mean it could not work for it would help generate revenue for the site. However in order to balance things out I would suggest making the non transferrable items a permanent feature in the credit shop or at least available for a very long time thus allowing users who do not have paypal to have a decent amount of time to do the free credit stuff or raise the tu required.


1:11pm Jan 9 2012

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Posts: 3,163
no support unless....

I think that it should be allowed to buy with tu AND transfer. the 'supercredits' might just cost, say double the usual amount in tu and only 1.5 times more in real money.


2:33pm Jan 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 733

No support. This would cause a lot of frustration among younger (and even older) users. True life isn't fair, but most people don't set out to make it more unfair to to others if they can help it. Personally, I would leave the site, if something like this was implemented. I feel the atmosphere, and community wouldn't be as close-knit.  And it would effect the economy, real miney helps the sight and all, so new items and pet are released in the credit shop, these features, I'm sure, bring in money. But the circulation of TU around the sight is important too, and this could throw that off with people, who don't have/or want to spend the real money to buy credits, trying to buy them from other users. The sight doesn't run around the Credit Shop.

If this was implemented, it would divide the sight between "rich" users, and those that might not have the real money, or TU to spend on credits for these items. This could have the potential to cause a lot of problems. The way the sight is run, and the way the communtiy works, I don't believe the sight would not benifite from this, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be rude, but I don't think this would work on Rescreatu. Pat and staff try to make items and pets available to all users. I don't know of any or item that is that obtainable by any user, as long as they set their mind to completing the goal, even if it is long-term.


3:40pm Jan 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
I don't understand how people could be so bothered by this feature if it is implimented honestly. When I first started playing res, I believed that credits could only be bought with real money and could not be purchased using tu. I never considered buying the items off other players using tu.

Alright, if it bothers everyone that much (I still don't see why). Why not make all new credit shop items be initially only available for purchase using real money and then moving them to the normal credit shop after a period (1-2 months) sp people could buy using tu? People will still stay in anticipation of these items. So we won't get any jealous people because they'll know they will get it eventually?


Feel the love man D:<


3:58pm Jan 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 733

I'm sorry, I've been here for over a year, and I think I'm pretty familiar with the sight. I just don't think this would work on Res, it's not the way Patrick is trying to run it. Patrick and staff want items to be available to all users. Holding items from users, is kind of like a punishment in my eyes. Many users are too young, or don't have the funds to buy credits. How is it fair to hold them from users? This could generate a lot of jealousy among users, and could potentially cause problems with harassing. It would just split the community in half. I'm proud to be a part of the Res communtiy, it's friendly and diverse, we'd probably lose new users too, who don't want to join a community that argues with itself.


4:12pm Jan 9 2012 (last edited on 4:13pm Jan 9 2012)

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Posts: 1,775
That's why I said that they would be obtainable using tu after a short time period xD
It's not holding the item out completely. I've been here for 4 years. Trust me, a 1 month period isn't long. People will wait for months to get a jaaku or soemthing. They can wait 1 month to get a CS item.

The impatient people who are willing to donate a bit of money will buy the items will real money. This will be that extra profit.


Feel the love man D:<


4:23pm Jan 9 2012

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Posts: 1,996
I don't think this would work out in anyone's favor. Num 1. Like Grave said, people would get jealous of the other users. Num 2. Some users would use this as leverage over newbies: they would have an aweosme creatu (item, what ever) and tell the newbie that they want a high price ( say 50 mill) and mthe newbie would want it so bad they would give them the tu and never get their pet (item, whatever). Num 3. I just don't think it would wourk out.


4:28pm Jan 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 733

I'd say since the day I joined, there's been maybe 15 days I haven't logged on. But the thing is, certain items shouldn't be kept in the CS that long, then the sight would be flooded with them. It would still create jealousy, if I were to buy credits for a special pet, I'd feel guilty because I'd feel like I was waving a dog bone in front of a starving dog. I wouldn't buy the item because I would feel guilty, and I know other users that would do the same thing.

I don't know if this would really make an extra profit, I really do believe this would throw the whole Res community into chaos with two opposing sides. We have merchants and ranchers, we can access different shops depending on our planet, but seperating the rich and the poor would do more harm than good in my opinion. Every person lives a different life, one month may not seem that long to you, but for those who are having a rough time in real life, it can seem like it lasts forever.


5:39pm Jan 9 2012 (last edited on 5:45pm Jan 9 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 373

I think Guiven was getting at something really important up there in one of her posts.

I don't buy into either the whole "People will get jealous" or "Well life isn't fair so Res doesn't have to be fair" arguments, so I'm not taking sides here. XD I just wanted to point out something I think is important to take into consideration.

"I just don't think this would work on Res, it's not the way Patrick is trying to run it."

I think this is spot on. The CS here on Res has been geared towards giving incentives for buying, not premium/exclusive rewards. To all of a sudden throw that into the mix when Pat has built Res so that every player, regardless of age or accessability, has the potential to obtain any item/pet regardless of if they use cash or not seems really left field. And probably not quite the best way to go about doing it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for coming up with ways for the CS to pull in more cash, and I'm not necessarily against non-transferable items. It just needs to be done in a way that doesn't clash with how the site works. For example, I think something like the cylcing idea you were getting at is a great way to go about implementing something like this.

...Does any of that make sense? xD

edit: fixing typos yey


6:53pm Jan 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 517
My opinion is that the non-transferrable thing wouldn't work out very well. Many users, like staff, get credits, and not being able to sell them for tu would be a disadvantage. I think Guiven and SaruSaru definitely have a good point.

Saru, maybe one way would be to have a mix of CS items that would be on a discount, but only for real money.

Like, you get a "pet pack" or something where there is/are 1 or two NCJB's, a trance potion, a gender pendant, two RMP's, and two name tags. The value of an NCJB is about 30 credits, the pendant is about 25, a name tag is 25, a trance potion 75, and the RMP's are 60 each. This adds up to about 245 credits, which could be marked down to 230/220 credits.

This would make these CS items available to all users, but if you pay in money, you get a discount. This would lead more users to buy from the site.

I've also seen on other sites "packages" which include a series of special items. This could be used, I think, to bring in more money to the site.


11:45pm Jan 9 2012


Posts: 2,155
Totally support. I think Ping has some fantastic ideas that would help generate revenue for the site. 

The server costs real money, the staff costs real money, the art costs real money...why not have items that require real money and give a perk in return? What is the fun in a game where everything is "fair", and every player on the site has the same stuff? 

There is nothing wrong in making something exclusively available to those who help support the site financially - after all, they play a tremendous part in keeping the site free for everyone.

(Note: I don't have real money to spend on the site. If I could, I would, but circumstances of life do not permit it. Just an FYI for those thinking that's why I support. ;)

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

2:09am Jan 10 2012


Posts: 394
Hate to break it to you guys but there will be some changes to the CS shop coming out this year. I wouldn't say we are doing exactly what is suggested in this thread, but there will be another currency introduced that cannot be traded and that can only be acquired through real monetary purchases. 

The fact of the matter is that this website costs us many thousands of dollars just to maintain each month, and that is not even counting my own personal time, and I do work full time on this website. There are many months where my company loses money on Rescreatu. Changes do need to be made to allow us to progress any further.

As always, we will continue to be as fair as possible when dealing with these matters. It is a tricky balance to maintain, and we do our best at it.

2:48am Jan 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
Since Patrick replied, now I think it's not a matter of 'should we do it'. It's the matter that we need to do it. Money is needed, this money isn't an 'extra'. It's a necessity.

I also can't believe how many times I have to repeat this. USERS WHICH DON'T USE REAL MONEY WILL BE ABLE TO HAVE ACCESS TO THESE ITEMS EVENTUALLY (according to my system. I don't know about Patrick's). This is not creating this 'divide' that you all say. There's nothing with 'wagging a bone in front of a dog' if you give the bone to the dog eventually. Also, if you would get jealous if someone was able to buy a pet one month earlier. That's pretty sad. You're that impatient? Isn't patience a virtue? Jealousy isn't a great habit to get into. 

I don't think a credit discount would work because if you look at the amount of tu people earn from stocks, they'll be able to get them items eventually. I also totally agree with 14BM in the sense that exclusivity makes things a little more fun and interesting. I also think that there shouldn't be many things available in the special CS shop. So there won't be this 'divide'. You won't see some people will tons of blingin' items on them. There should only be like 5 tiems available in the special CS shop. These items should also give little or no advantage. The only perk about them is that they look cool.


Feel the love man D:<


5:27am Jan 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 338
You can't buy bandwidth and servers with Tu.  I love this, as long as the items/perks don't include things that give an advantage (and that's the emphasis here, no advantage to the buyer...just something FUN).  Ping has come up with great ideas for fun (badass) stuff that in no way affects gameplay. 

The items suggested would not be books that would put your pet ahead on site rankings, or stat thingies that would uber-buff your pets overnight or things that you could sell for 40 bajillion Tu.  They're vanity items.  I'd *hope* if you can't/won't contribute to the site to help keep it playable FOR ALL, that you'd be grateful enough to those who donate to fund YOUR online fun that you wouldn't begrudge them a useless (albeit badass) item as a reward.  That's just petty and greedy.



6:31am Jan 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 517
ok, but since this is to happen, I think there should be no non-transferrable items. This way, it would help the real life economy of Res and the virtual economy.

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