Non transferrable credit shop items should be only be able to be used by the person who bought it via the credit shop. They can't sell it for tu or transfer it to another user.
Why?So that Res gets more real money funding to persue further endeavours. We also need to thank our staff for their time and effort. This will basically encourage users to donate more money.
Since we can purchase credits using tu. We should make a seperate currency to buy these non-transferrable items (Megacredits? Fancycredits? +Credit? Credit 2.0?). So basically, non-transferrable items cannot be bought with tu in any way.
Jzbelle also suggested a gift feature! So you could buy a friend a gift from the special credit shop! Isn't that awesome? 8D
- Not intended to benefit users.
- It's intended to benefit the staff and the development of the site. Think of it as free trade credit shop items.
- This is like your Winged Victory, Polluck's No.5, or signed poster in your house. Does it benefit you? No. Is it useful? No. Is it awesome? HECK YEAH
- Has absoluetly no affect on Res' economy (keep in mind that this economy is virtual. We are dealing with real money here)
-The money will speed up the development of the site. More money = more coder/staff.
In the end, everyone benefits because we all get new features/items
AMMENDMENTS:Alright, if it bothers everyone that much (I still don't see why). Why not make all new credit shop items be initially only available for purchase using real money and then moving them to the normal credit shop after a period (1-2 months) sp people could buy using tu? People will still stay in anticipation of these items. So we won't get any jealous people because they'll know they will get it eventually?
USERS WHICH DON'T USE REAL MONEY WILL BE ABLE TO HAVE ACCESS TO THESE ITEMS EVENTUALLY What kinds of items?Name exchange tagsBasically works like 2 name tags without the fuss. It will exchange the names of 2 creatu.
I think they should look like these scissor glasses with name tags in those frames. Classy ;D
Really awesome clothesYeah. Just be pimping. Put all the really badass clothes as non transferrable because people like looking like badasses.
Dye kitYeah, really awesome dye kit only available for people who like to give real money. I suggested a high fantasy colour (creatu that look like they came out of Final Fantasy or monster hunter) a while ago. I think that this is highly appropriate. I'll draw more high fantasy creatu as more people support this. Put suggestions below ;D
(Right click >> View image)
If I were to name this dye kit, I would name it 'high'. Because you'd get 'high flan' or 'high dragon' in fantasy games to show that something is freakin' badass and you shouldn't mess with it. The word 'high' may be mistaken for meaning something else though (like when someone takes some sort of fancy bad medicine when they don't need it).
Pat has responded to this idea and said that it's possible that a colour like this could be added but it would take a very long time to impliment.Change 'normal user' (like in the forums?) to something else?A really cheap one. May not be implimented due to the possibility of causing confusion though.
Different coloured skin avatars (for HAs)Like leopard print or something.
New PetLike them Uldavi ones or maybe along the idea of the usual CS pets. Both the hatched pet and the egg cannot be transferred to another user. There should always be a transferrable CS pet available in the credit shop though. Maybe the non transferrable CS pet doesn't change? >D
(This pet plus the 'high' dye kit should be super badass)
RULES OF NON TRANSFERRABLE ITEMS:-They should not undermine the game play experience of users that do not use credits to buy things. Only enhance features, not add features.
- Have little or no benefits for the user who buys them. The only good thing about them is that they look good.
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