6:20pm May 12 2011 (last edited on 1:44pm May 13 2011)
Posts: 1,586
How about we have a private note book, where we could keep records of stuff? You could record anything you want, this would be particularly useful to record: Keep in mind this will be most useful to players who access Recreatu on more than one computer. That and not everyone likes to find and open word documents. -Earnings from raffles you hold -Giveaways, pets you promise to other players etc -Price paid for a pet - How much you have to repay if you borrowed tu and you don't want to post on your profile, especially if it's a small amount -Tu that you lent to a player -Pets given to kir (in case you want to keep track of how much you spent) -Advertisement links *see bottom of post* You don't like digging for your thread to get the link, do you? And a host of other stuff :3 This would help players to remember their commitments instead of posting it on their profiles or having to keep remembering to update athread. The notebook could be located in Rmail or on the Navigation panel. There are blogs and profiles, but the notebook would be easier to access and edit, and private. *edit* I am quite aware that you can use notepad on your computer, but what if you go on vacation, or to school or use someone else's computer, and you want to remember something? Then the information saved on your hard drive will be unaccessible. Private means that no other player can see, of course staff can access it if they suspect you're cheating. But if you want to remember who is buying a certain item or who is selling something cheaper than others for instance, it's a nice place you can record this info. This idea is based on centralization of info you'd like to remember, and is easily accessible. *2nd edit* Also it would be useful to save your advertisement links on, instead of having to do this on your thread: Please support and comment, feel free to try your hand at refinement of this idea, or state why you don't like it [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/edit/post/1372961/]
9:33pm May 12 2011
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Posts: 1,679
I guess this could be kind of nifty, although if you want your notes to be private you could just use the notepad application on your computer. So I guess, this might be neat but it's not totally neccessary as a top priority. (Sorry for awkward wording, my brain is rather fried.)
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9:25am May 13 2011
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Posts: 1,326
You realise that we could just use word documents on our computers or drafts in our emails, right? :/
I don't think it will be all that private either, since Im sure staff will be able to view them for various reasons that require evidence searching and what not. You'll have some people writting nonsence in there that could cause them trouble, then when it's used against them, they'll go rant about how it's meant to be private.
Then people will tell the person that if they wanted it to really be private, they shoulve done it in a personal document, which will then of course, lead to the questioning of the notebook's purpose. Oh the drama. D:
As for those people who write how much they owe people on their profiles, the main reason for that is to let the person that lent the tu know that they are aware and will pay back the tu. The other points can easily be recorded in personal spaces like word documents.
So... no support, sorry.
1:23pm May 13 2011 (last edited on 1:28pm May 13 2011)
Posts: 1,586
lut- I am aware staff could see. The thing is, not everyone uses just one computer. What if I am at school, and I want to remember something but the notepad document is saved on my computer at home? Why would you want to have to sign in on your email account each time you want to remember a piece of info, when you can just do it on one click. It's only for convenience, of course staff can read it. When I say private, I mean you wouldn't want to put everything you have to remember up on your profile. If I borrow 1 mill from someone I don't want it on my profile, I just want to remember that I have to pay it back. Staff don't go through rmails without a reason, so unless you're cheating and they need evidence then they wouldn't have to look in your notebook. It works great on another website I play at- what I owe, who pays the highest for certain items that I may sell in the future, recording birthdays, perhaps offers on an item I am selling. I play Rescreatu on at least 3 different computers- my desktop, laptop and in school. So why can't I have all my info centralized? You think players like me want to walk around everywhere with a flashdrive holding my notepad document or have to sign into email addresses every few minutes? As for writing nonsense, I could easily record players who are good traders or who I never want to trade with again. You could rant about things via rmail; you can rant about them in your notebook (though no one else but you would be seeing it so that's pointless).
1:30pm May 13 2011
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Posts: 468
Support. Writing everything down in word documents is just tiresome D:
1:33pm May 13 2011
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Posts: 8
Not a bad idea, but I agree that it's also unnecessary. There are many other ways to do this. I keep a planner on me at all times, where I put down stuff for EVERYTHING in my life. Some of the pages are for jotting down inspirations I get for art, and others for things like Res (altho I don't personally keep track of Res-related things). What's wrong with plain ol' jotting things down in a notebook? xD
1:35pm May 13 2011
Posts: 1,586
Luo- not everyone walks around with a notebook everywhere they go xD Not everyone plays this game in one location either. Omg speaking of which, I had a notebook where I recorded creatu given for kir's quest. I used to forget that thing at home, by my grandparents, until the point where I just gave up on recording.
1:44pm May 13 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 8
I wouldn't oppose to the idea at all. I've seen other pet sites do it, and it would be a useful function for some. I just personally support the idea of keeping a notebook, because I'm old-fashioned and like the feel of ink on paper. It makes a cute memento later down the line :> And the third reason I'm not totally advocating it is because I really think there are better and more efficient ways for you and Res to keep track of things like personal notes. Notes can be kept for ANYTHING you do in life but I don't expect my bank to give me a notebook option because I want to balance my checkbook lol. Sorry if I'm being argumentative. I still stand by my first paragraph.
1:47pm May 13 2011
Posts: 1,586
Luo- Opinions are welcome xD I'm not going to keep fighting it down. I understand what you mean about old fashioned too- I prefer to write my stories on paper rather than on the computer. I prefer to read paper backs instead of digital files (though I am really sorry about the trees). I suggested it because some of us play res quite often and do several things at once, I understand not everyone will use it but many people will :)
6:34pm May 13 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,679
You make a good point, I agree that this would be quite helpful for someone who moves computers.
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7:02am May 14 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 595
support-i`m not aloud to use word or notebook, and i use 2 laptops.
Current kir quest - blonde leverene
7:25am May 14 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 854
Sorry, but no support for this. If I want to make a note about something and keep it private, I type it on a pet's petpage, then put it in my showroom or rancher where no one can access the petpage.
7:53am May 14 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 4,893
You can actually start a real notebook and do your organization of your own transactions, records, etc. It's good practice, really. I'm pretty sure paper is available anywhere. Though there are special/unique situations for each specific viewer.. So I'm just really neutral on this.
i’m such a gamer uwu
8:48am May 14 2011
Posts: 1,586
Spazzy- paper is easily lost, you should read a couple of the posts; I already said what I thought about that. mychelle- Don't you think it would be a pain in the butt to look for that pet and put it on your profile, when you can simply access the notebook in just one or two clicks? I think we're missing the big picture here.
8:54am May 14 2011 (last edited on 8:55am May 14 2011)
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Posts: 854
Not really. All you would have to do is use a junk pet with a number name like 53827598 or something, so that it would be at the beginning of the list of your pets. Or, you could bookmark the url of the petpage on your computer for when you're at home.
8:55am May 14 2011
Posts: 2,155
Pet pages aren't private, in your showroom or not. All you need is the pet ID number to add to the petpage URL and it can be viewed. The ID is available no matter where the pet is at ;s
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
8:58am May 14 2011
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Posts: 854
Still, Broken, I doubt many players would be so determined to peek at another person's private notes that they would go through the trouble of finding a pet's number, inserting it into the url, checking to see if anything was written there, and repeating the process for every pet in the showroom. Like I said, I just don't support the idea :/
9:43am May 14 2011
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Posts: 4,893
Haha, I'm sorry, I sort of dazed out after Lut's post. xD; But yeah, I still remain neutral. I'm not going to be argumentative. Because I did state that I'm aware that each user has special/unique situations in which physical notebooks aren't possible.
i’m such a gamer uwu
11:15am May 14 2011
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Posts: 1,326
Emails are "easily accessible" too, no? As long as you have an internet connection, you'll have access to all the drafts and emails you have, attachments and what nots. :B What you say about word docs and notepads being inaccessible when you aren't using the same computer can be simply replaced with emails.
I keep all my res stuff in my email as drafts. Profile codes, petpages, links, images etc~ I have access to all of them wherever I am as long as there's internet.
Oh but. The res notebooks. I guess I would like them much more if they were personalisable. Like with themes, you know. That would be very nice, but probably quite a bit of work. :/ The ability to add in images would be great too, so it'll be just like res blogs but only the creator can see it. Then if we had the choice to 'publish' a page of the note book into a forum thread or a blog, that would be awesome. 'Cause I know I love to beautify my threads and that takes time. xD
2:03pm May 15 2011
Posts: 1,586
mychelle-Notes may mean something to you but not to anyone else, which is the reason for "privacy" Not like it's some big secret that no one else can know xD lut- that would be nice, they can make it customizable like you can customize your profile. But I just find it less of a hassle to have it here instead of having to sign into an email address.