8:08pm Apr 17 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 777
So I'll bet lots of people would want to get a one of a kind effect fo their creatu but can't afford to fish out $100. And res always needs more revenue right. So what Llama will suggest is, what if we did a one of a kind promotion in the CS like for every user who buys X amount of cp gets entered into a raffle with a one of a kind effect as a prize. I dunno like for every 100cp bought would be the equivelent of getting a ticket for it. Feel free to suggest/add any ideas/let me know your opinion.
8:11pm Apr 17 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 280
I like this idea!
But I would suggest making it "If you buy 100 CP, you get a ticket in a raffle for a FREE OAK"
And then they could buy as much CP as they wanted, so if they bought 500, they'd get 5 tickets and so on and so forth<3
8:13pm Apr 17 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 777
Yeah thats what I was getting at. People who buy more cp then get more of a chance. Makes sense doesnt it ;D
8:17pm Apr 17 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 3,828
hello my name is elder price
8:17pm Apr 17 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 280
Oh, lawl. I read your '100' as '1000' and just totally derped. xD I was thinking "Doesn't.... that defeat the purpose? xD" Haha<3
9:04pm Apr 17 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 4,754
I like this idea ^^ Gives all of those who can't dish out 100 dollars on an internet site for one thing a chance at an OAK effect
5:03am Apr 18 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 568
Supporting <3 I think this would be a good idea
10:25am Apr 18 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 204
argees <33
10:50am Apr 18 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,658
As this may be something that can be beneficial to people who regularly buy CP, this kind of thing does not benefit those who really cannot afford to use real money on the site. I would personally be more inclined into thinking of ways where those people who cannot afford to purchase CP would be able to equally get the chance to win an OAK effect.
4:06pm Apr 18 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 280
Frank, there is no reason why we can't have this and ALSO an event where users can get a chance to get an OAK as well.
This idea, I think, is mainly for an idea to 1) Give people another chance at an OAK and 2) help draw in some money for the site as well.
Because honestly... I believe that a lot more people would be content with spending $10 for a chance at an OAK verses $100 for one. :"3
4:19pm Apr 18 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 777
There can also be site contests and events or even raffles not related to the cs. People are more than welcome to suggest some ideas for those. This is just one particular idea that could tie in to raising some extra revenue for the site so we can keep making more awesome new features. Every little bit piles up and makes a difference.
4:24pm Apr 18 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 652
Some staff or Patrick self or the thread where OaK were introduced, they did said that OaK would be offered as Res contests prizes
5:08pm Apr 18 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 278
I totally support this, but what if some people aren't allowed to buy cash points or just can't?
Like me, my parents won't let me buy cash points ;(

5:10pm Apr 18 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 777
As already said it has been said that there will be opportunities for people who dont have access to get OaKs also. I think people are forgetting the first one of a kind wasnt bought with CP it was won in a free raffle.
5:14pm Apr 18 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 278
Ah yes, sorry.
But I do support this! :)

5:17pm Apr 18 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 777
Its fine really Hazel, appreciate the support<3
9:45pm Apr 19 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,658
There has actually been a discussion about creating a raffle or maybe a lottery for CS items so that people would have a chance to win CS items while spending less CP. This idea has yet to be finalized yet. Maybe we can perhaps add the OAK effect on that raffle/lottery if ever it gets finalized and implemented.
4:33am Apr 20 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 777
That would be a pretty awesome top prize for sure
11:51pm Apr 20 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,003
What if in an event point store (Like the seasonal events) you could purchase raffle tickets for a chance at the prize? This would both give people a chance for the item while having the ability to tie it in with an event that could be used to raise the value of unused items, or clear out a backlog of unwanted creatu.
1:49pm May 30 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 102
Llama GREAT GREAT idea, the $100 is a reasonable price but its also one months utility bill... great idea!! Thanku for thinking of a way for all of us to have a chance..
Thanku, Krazy K :)