11:42pm Sep 7 2010
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Posts: 854
Okay, something weird is happening. Clothes that I know I have (two black belts and several pairs of purple flats, for example) are showing up as wearable in the HA system, but they aren't anywhere in my inventory. And no, I'm not wearing any of them.
11:42pm Sep 7 2010 (last edited on 11:43pm Sep 7 2010)
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Posts: 854
11:57pm Sep 7 2010 (last edited on 1:18am Sep 8 2010)
Normal User
Posts: 24
I have an idea for the bandanas. I noticed that several shirts and such will sow up under, for example, both 'tops' and 'jackets.' I know this is probably mostly for layering when it comes to those items, but you could probably do the same things with bandanas. You could put them under the 'neck,' 'mask,' and 'hat' categories, having the bandana go into the proper place based on the category you pick. Hopefully this would help prevent 'multiple bandana disorder,' as well as preventing possible problems with, say, trying to put on a hat when you already have a bandana on your head. EDIT: I just noticed: You know how when you select a piece of clothing or body feature, it shows in the 3 x 5 grid next to your picture? Well, I just noticed that mine doesn't show the skin tone, or the ears, until I select them. It shows everything else, but not those two things. I think this may be related to how so many people's avatars are going invisible. Maybe those two features aren't saving properly? ...Or maybe not. It's showing those squares for me now, but it's still weird how it didn't for awhile.
4:59am Sep 8 2010
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Posts: 437
Unfortunatelly I cannot solve the bandana problem by moving it to storage, as it still doesn't come off for X or clear. Consequently it does not show up in the quick stock so it is not movable :(.
I wouldn't mind if one item gets stuck, like the bandana on the forehead or something, I would just select some matching clothes until it is solved. But as it is in all three positions it looks so stupid o_0. My avatar still has a triplet-green bandana on her head, like a green headed mummy...
4:01pm Sep 8 2010
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Posts: 2,440
Some items dont show up. I bought one fo the new skirts and its not showing up.
Click please<3
8:05pm Sep 8 2010
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Posts: 1,588
I'm having trouble with bandanas too and my human av dosn't show up in the editor,
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
2:51am Sep 10 2010
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Posts: 65
Most of the clothes I bought are only in the inventory, but not in the wardrobe. But I think, that the team needs time for coding. I wanna say, that I really like the human avatar, she's cute. But I hope, there will be a boy in the future, too. Do I guess right, that there will come more eyes, facial expressions and others someday? That was a super job! Thank you for this great human avatar!!!!!! Have a nice weekend all of you. ;)
6:19am Sep 10 2010
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Posts: 437
Tory: There is a boy, for the male users. Yours is a female because it represents you, and you registered as a girl.
6:19pm Sep 10 2010
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Posts: 1,713
my hair color will not change from white to dark brown! I made sure I saved it and then I veiwed it on HA but on my profile it is still s white!
7:43pm Sep 10 2010 (last edited on 8:04pm Sep 10 2010)
Normal User
Posts: 255
xD You too? I thought it'd be cool to have an albino avatar for a day...then her hair wouldn't turn back into dark brown! ):< I eventually got it to change back, though I don't remember exactly how. The problem now is that she's being attacked by bandannas. Looks ridiculous. (Even though I base my avvie off my actual looks, even I'm not that silly looking.) The fact that my avvie doesn't show up in the box after I've saved or in my wardrobe is a little annoying but manageable. EDIT: Just changed my clothing and now can see the crimson bandanna only on the top of my head, instead of everywhere. Odd. I think all three versions might be there, though, hiding behind layers or something. o_o Waiting to smother my face. EDIT: (again, :/) Looked at my profile and the new clothes change wasn't showing up. (I had originally just looked at the finished outfit under "view" in the wardrobe.) I went back to the wardrobe and resaved, but that didn't help. So I deleted everything (except for the bandanna, which must be superglued to my face) and clicked everything again, and saved, and that didn't help either. Nothing changed except for the fact that all three bandannas now show up in "view" as well as my profile. *facepalm*
12:02am Sep 12 2010 (last edited on 12:06am Sep 12 2010)
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Posts: 24
I just loaded up my avatar and the image loaded, rather than not showing at all. ^_^ Seems they're working on the bandana problem, too, because the bandana only shows on my neck. On the flipside, the front part of my hair is missing... probably has to do with the way they removed the 'head' bandana piece. Kinda looks interesting 'forehead bald.' However, I can't seem to get my hair to look normal again, and I still see all three bandana pieces when I click 'view.' The bandana seemed to come off easily, though. Still can't get the hair to look right on anything besides 'view,' though, whether or not I remove the hair altogether first. If I remove it, she ends up bald altogether. Same with if I just pick a different hairstyle. I don't see any visual changes to the list of what appearance features are active. Maybe I'll put the bandana on her head for now if I can't get it right. XD; EDIT: So when I put the bandana on my head and saved, it reloaded showing the bandana on her neck instead. o_O She looks right if I hit 'view,' though.
12:57am Sep 12 2010
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Posts: 174
I still can't put on any of my masks :(.
Click it you must or else I will release my fat cat (seriously I have a cat thats very fat)
8:05am Sep 12 2010
Normal User
Posts: 437
Why am I the only one who still cannot take the stupid bandana off, at least temporarily?? Please, just let me take it off once, I never put it back on, please... At least take off the one covering the face, I do not mind the neck and forehead one...T_T
12:17pm Sep 12 2010
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Posts: 2,282
yaizi: thier working in the bandana probblem
3:43pm Sep 12 2010
Normal User
Posts: 520
Same problem here, Yaizh. My Human Avatar spooks me out, the bandanas remind me of a balaclava. D: I was also hoping that weapons may become wearable? I want to show off my Bacon Sword.
5:36pm Sep 13 2010
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Posts: 2,282
okay im not sure if weapons should be wearable.
6:28pm Sep 13 2010
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Posts: 3,642
I'd love to have weapons and things like that be wearable. As well as making for some nice wearables, it could give weapons some other use than battling - especially since we kind of can't battle right now anyway. xD
10:32pm Sep 13 2010
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Posts: 437
I would like to wear(hold?) a "bat boomerang" xD. But lets get rid of the bandanas first o_0.
9:07pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 854
I actually asked Pat about wearing weapons, way back before the HA's were up. He said that they were for Battle, and wouldn't be wearable. But, hey, things might change.
5:43pm Sep 16 2010
Normal User
Posts: 616
it would be nice if the pics of the eyes on the HAs were bigger so that you can actually tell what they look like before you click on them