One-Time Name Change?

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4:54pm Jan 19 2012

Normal User

Posts: 509
When I first came back onto Res after two or three years, I had to change my username. I'm not sure if any other users have had this problem? But before I could access any part of the site I had to come up with a real-quick username. I was disappointed that I had to change my username before I could access anything. I don't feel that I should have had to. Although I respect Patrick and the Staff Members so I don't want to be negative about it.

I think maybe there should be an option as a one-time thing in preferences to change our username. One drawback to this though, is it would cause a lot of confusion around the site.


1:39am Jan 20 2012


Posts: 3,205
fro what ive heard the staff are working on something to let you change your user name 
but ive also herd that its going to be be very very expensive.
personally i think a one time free change would be amazing, some people only want to un-capitalistic a letter  or something small like that but i dont think its gonna happen :( 


6:58am Jan 20 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,642
Concerning capitalisation, I've always thought it'd be nice to be able to change that for free, and then it could require an item to actually make any changes. Just like Creatu. |D

Also I've heard that the only reason anyone is ever forced to change their username is because of things like spaces and underscores that aren't allowed in usernames anymore. Like how ^_^ is now Ka, and Your_Annoying_Me is just YoureAnnoyingMe.

So like. Maybe your old username had some symbols in it that had to be changed?


12:12pm Jan 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 509
My old name might have o_o I cant even remember what it was lol


11:12am Feb 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1
I managed to make a typo in mine with my silly arthritic hands, I'd love to change it, regardless of price since its bugging me :p

9:52pm Feb 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 756
Username-changing has already been suggested.


8:14am Feb 18 2012

Normal User

Posts: 805
I love this idea

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