Hey Ya'll!
I'm sure we're all aware of the new hunting system that's taken place of the old one. If you don't, It's basically looking deeper into Relcore and Reiflem, in an 'I Spy' kind of fashion. If that didn't make sense.. well, you can always check it out yourself under the event page! :D
Many of us love the new way to hunt- including me!
But there are also users who dislike it, or experience problems (Not bugs) while using it.
Which is why I'm proposing that we make an option.
We can either choose the new way to hunt, or the old way to hunt during events.
This could be an easy-access option shown in the egg hunting page- That way, no one's left feeling miserable and gross trying to find it and everyone's happy with how they're hunting! ^^
Feedback welcome ^^