origin/definition slot on Creatu profiles for foreign language names

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2:00am Nov 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 4

With the sheer number of Creatu and players there are, I know that I have resorted to other languages for names. Because a great number of our players will not necessarily know all of these languages being used. I suggest a single typable slot on the creatu profile that enables you to place language of origin and meaning in it.

example..my Ebbi is Szellemet..Origin: Hungarian, meaning: Poltergeist

Ultimatly, it would help in the resale of these pets as RWN without all kinds of misunderstandings and questions, as they can be double checked on translator programs and foreign language dictionaries if there are any doubts.



2:46am Nov 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 281
hmm.. I think its a good idea :)

9:07am Nov 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,444
I don't think this is necessary. You can just have the meanings of your pet's names on your profile, it isn't that hard to edit it. That's what I have in my showroom, I have an entire scroll box dedicated to name meanings. They are even in alphabetical order to make them easier to find. This way I can tell people what names mean in other languages, if it's a movie character/location and what that person did or where that place was, what a semi-obscure English word means, whatever I want. Just edit your profile or showroom, it doesn't take long to do it and there isn't a bunch of unnecessary coding being done by staff and taking their time away from coding glitches that need to be fixed.


1:54pm Nov 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 51

I agree with wolfspirit25, doesn't seem like it's necessary and many players may not have the same style of naming as you do. It could end up being an almost pointless thing.

Just edit it somewhere if you really feel like it's important. c:

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