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5:30pm Jan 5 2016

Normal User

Posts: 292
Well... *cough, cough* I have a lonnnnnng story.

Let's break it up.

Flaws joined around Halloween.
Flaws was bored and looked through games.
Flaws found a funny thing called PAB Contest, but to her dismay, it wasn't open.
Flaws was very sad! :(
Flaws just looked through the updates, the last contest was in September 2015.
Flaws was even sadder, becuase September wasn't too far from when she joined.
So Flaws wonders and wonders, 'Why isn't there a PAB contest on?' all the time.

Then one day,
One boring day, 

Flaws has...


Maybe, just maybe, there  isn't a PAB contest because no new  subjects can be thought of.

There are other reasons like 
-Lack of Staff
-Lack of time (let's face it, Christmas has just gone)
-lack of interest
-Flaws doesn't know.

So, Flaws thinks, why can't the users of Res come up with a few suggestions?

And then Flaws thinks, isn't that the kind of things On-Site-Staff members (with the pink names (like Kirby)) post? 

But then Flaws thinks, well they haven't so..

Here are  some that she personally came up with

-going to school
-going on a camping trip with friends
-moving house
-going on a mighty quest
-going on a massive ADVENTURE!
-writing a story
-becoming a multimillionaire
-how to make billions
-how to spend billions without realising

Here are the ideas from other people...


Please comment any idea that pops into your brains.

I will accept them however mad they are!

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