I know what you may be thinking, and no, I'm not intending usermade Creatu pictures available for profiles. What I'm talking about is the Creatu picture, matching the personality you hatch it with. I mean, alot of the times you forget what personality your Creatu was hatched, with if you've owned it for a�very long time. Then again, it doesn't really matter to some people, unless you're a character person like myself.
So, what I had in mind was having different Creatu pictures that matched the 'Nice and Friendly' 'Fierce' and 'Always Hungry' jazz listed for personalities. (Along with all the other ones of course.)
Now I know this would be a big haul for the artists, and it'd be alot of coding for Pat. Lets just think of this as an idea for now, since that's all this is.
Vogars already look fierce, so that could be their 'default' photo, or the one they have now. Then another could be drooling or having it's mouth wide open for 'Always Hungry' or something. I think a 'Curious and Innocent' picture of a baby�Otachie would just kill you from pure cuteness. How many people would want to see a picture of a Villianous Ebilia? Or better yet a very evil Iluvu?
Anyway, this could probably be done with commisions, but since I last heard, there isn't going to be any more banners or profiles on V2. This could be a way to compensate for that.