Pet Auctions

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7:18am Jan 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 355

Okay, like many of you, I like to lounge about the Pet Auctions. Especially when I was a rancher anyways. It is fun, and gives you something to do in your spare time, often with a small gain of tu at the end of the tunnel, no?

Oh yes. It is. But I have one small reason why it annoys me.

You have been out bidded on a pet auction. 1100 tu has been returned to your account.

This is what annoys me. There is no reference to the pet or specific auction.

I was thinking for example, it could look like this. With the pets name linked to the specific auction. It would make it so much easier!

"You have been outbidded on Amien's pet auction. 1100 tu has been returned to your account"

(The blue part is where the link is.)

 So what do you think fellow pet auction lovers? Yay or nay?

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8:39am Jan 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 51

I would really rather not have that myself, because as an auction sniper, it makes it easier for the other people. However, it is a good idea and I somewhat agree.

I can see how it'd be annoying if you're constantly placing bids over other people, so I'll give support on this. :3


10:23am Jan 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3
I like it. It would be easier for other people but it would really make life easier.

7:05pm Jan 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 167

haha, I agree with this, especially if you bid on a lot of auctions. I think that this idea has been introduced before, and hopefully it'll pick up enough momentum to get going this time ^^

and McFlan!!! I've been sniped by you a few times, but no hard feelings ;)

check out my art at my -->photoBucket

4:40am Jan 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 355

Thanks for the support guise! 8D

*tips imaginary tophat*

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