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5:59am Dec 15 2010 (last edited on 11:11am Dec 15 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 312
  1. In the 'My Bids' Section I think their should be an extra column saying who the highest bidder is.
  2. I also think that there should be an option to delete auctions from the 'my bids' section because at the moment they all just stay there, even the ones that are over. Or maybe we could have like a log of previous auctions we participated in like that the ones that have closed don't get in the way of ones we are still bidding on.
  3. I'm not sure if this is just something they are trying to fix but in the 'My Bids' section all the creatu you bid on appear as the natural colour no matter what colour they actually are. I think it should show you what colour it really is.
  4. I think all pet auctions should show all the information about the pet not just name and type of creatu but also the gender and colour and possibly even training stats and intellect as some people may sell/buy the creatu for this reason.
  5. I also think that you should be able to search for something in particular in auctions such as "intellect" or just females etc etc...
  6. In the current Bids Column I believe it should tell you who the last bidder was if there was one at all.
  7. I was also thinking that there should be an option to just watch an item/creatu in which you will receive an alert every time someone bids on that item etc
  8. I also think it should tell you when an auction you are watching/have bid on is almost over or has ended because sometimes you forget about the auctions.
wow I used "also" a lot XD
Well yeah.. that's basically it for now, I think I had thought of more suggestions to mention but I can't remember them right now.
oh and On Pet search I was thinking maybe we could have an option to search creatu from one planet/place at a time instead of just each creatu seperately?
Please tell me what you think :D

"Imagine the things you could do, if you just let your imagination run wild" ~ SerenityMist ;) "OMGZ It's Serenity! NO-WAI!" (sayz you) --- YES-WAI :D I has posted in this thread ;) Feel Special. Am currently looking for a SILVER UILUS FOR KIR if you have one let me know :)

8:05pm Dec 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

One, two, and three are yes. Although the second part of two sort of already exists - the auctions in 'my bids' are ordered by end date, so you'll never have a still-open auction under a closed one.

For number four, if you go to the auction and click on the Creatu's image, it shows all the details. But it would be nice if they were just displayed on the page with everything else.

Number five, try the ACS. ;o

Six, not sure if it'd really be all that useful if you mean on the main bids page. The only time I look to see who bid last is when I've also bid - and if you've already bid once, you'll just look on the 'my bids' page, eh? Number one takes care of that.

Seven, you could always just bid once so you can check back later. And it'd be really annoying if you got an alert every time someone bid. xD People like to bid-war.

Eight, seems a little.. eh. The bidder is the one that's supposed to be keeping an eye on the auction. If everyone was alerted to the auction's near-end at the same time, it'd be madness. xD Just set an alarm or something, if you're afraid you might forget about it.

The ACS one's nice. Definitely make things easier. It wouldn't exactly work for searching natural Creatu, since you'd probably always go over the search limit - but for other colors, it'd work pretty nicely.


11:38pm Dec 15 2010 (last edited on 11:39pm Dec 15 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 312

I know the second part of 2 half exists, I just that I think it would be nicer if they were on separate pages. 

Oh i didn't know you could see all the details that way... but yeah would still be nice if they were just displayed

five, I forgot bout ACS XD 

six is also to check if anyone has actually bid on it because although it says "Last Bid" or whatever, sometimes there hasn't actually been anyone that bid on the item yet.

Seven, true, but if you watch the item, it could be optional if you get alerts everytime someone bids. 

eight, ok true again, maybe we can be alerted once the auction is finished with it telling us whether we won or not. I think that would come in handy. 

 And the ACS one I think would also help people search for names.

Thanks sooo much for your opinion <3 

"Imagine the things you could do, if you just let your imagination run wild" ~ SerenityMist ;) "OMGZ It's Serenity! NO-WAI!" (sayz you) --- YES-WAI :D I has posted in this thread ;) Feel Special. Am currently looking for a SILVER UILUS FOR KIR if you have one let me know :)
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