Pet Auctions

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12:11pm Sep 22 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,828
The auctions are great and all now but there are still quite a few things that I find could use a bit of tweaking.

First off, the auctions takes to you the main page instead of the auction page after opening up an auction in the first place. What if you made a mistake on the price? And instead of popping up with an error message of some sort if you forget to put a price on the pet, it will take you back to the page where you select the pet, which can be rather irritating. 

What really irritates me is that the My Auctions page never gets rid of whatever auction has already closed. I mean, I have auctions in there from a year ago, where the pets don't even exist anymore. If we could just have a delete button for that page to help stop the clutter, that'd be great. Speaking of the orderly way of things, the auctions aren't put into order either. It's hard to keep track of which auction is ending when you have a bunch of other pets that you've bid on before it, simply because it's ordered by recent bids. Some users may like that and in order to keep that option, maybe we could have a drop-down list, sort of like the search bar for the pet search?

As a last thing, it's pretty irritating that you can't see any info about the pets that are being auctioned, other than their color and species. Some people like to see stats, to see age, and clicking on the pet image only bring up exactly that, the pet image. 

So yeah, hope things'll get fixed. xD

hello my name is elder price

3:16pm Sep 22 2012


Posts: 2,155
Totally agree, these are all convenient and useful changes. I especially miss being able to sort them by clicking the "Date End" header.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

4:16pm Sep 22 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Support definitely, because when i do use the auctions, this always annoys me.


2:41pm Sep 24 2012


Posts: 394
As of today, the following changes have been made to auctions.

1) After opening an auction you are redirected to the new auction rather than the main page
2) My Auctions only shows your auctions that are still open.
3) The image of the creatu is now clickable on auction pages to allow you to see all the stats of  auctioned creatu.
4) Auctions are now by default ordered by auction ending date, showing those that are closest to ending first.
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