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3:39am Sep 7 2011 (last edited on 3:43am Sep 7 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 640
I've noticed the new buying thing. I cant stand it. Its stupid and unnessesary, the only place it should be its at the black market. Having to write those letters after every buying is so idiotic. And cant you bulk purchase anymore? I'm so angry right now. Not tempting to play rescreatu anymore.

I almost cant get to pick up eggs, first i have to use all my strengt to manage to hit that button smaller than any button ive seen. Then i have to press the click here to pick up egg. This is unnessecary. Come on. I thought rescreatu was going to be better.


11:11am Sep 7 2011 (last edited on 11:14am Sep 7 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 2,194

Kinera, you can bulk purchase. Look closely. There's a bar that you can slide to buy more than one item at a time. c:

But I agree with you for the letters that we have to type each time we purchase something. I find it very annoying! D:<


12:47pm Sep 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 4,893
Kinera, I feel the exact same ways, but for other reasons. xD The site obviously really did change.

Seasonal egg hunting is going to be a pain with those small text. I kind of liked seeing the eggs saying what's up to me.

i’m such a gamer uwu

3:52pm Sep 7 2011 (last edited on 3:52pm Sep 7 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 219
I have to agree with you on the letters and the finding of eggs. Is there really any purpose for making the egg notification so small and adding an additional step to it? I used the picture to identify what I found, not the text. Like Jenny said, seasonal egg hunting will be terrible.

Here is your assignment. I have an order for one of these Creatu: albino Meragon\r\n
\r\nYou currently have 13 Pet Quest Points.

4:33pm Sep 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 362
Support for both egg finding message and shop lettering thinger (I HATE IT D:<)


5:41pm Sep 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,315
Agree with both :U


6:49pm Sep 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,391
I agree with everything that everyone's stated. I keep missing eggs because I keep not noticing that accursed text! D;


6:56pm Sep 7 2011 (last edited on 6:57pm Sep 7 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 239
I agree as well. I can deal with the new fail rate and the rotting eggs and the like, but I don't really see the purpose of this. It makes egg hunting a pain and since we can't really buy them anymore it's a major hassle.


7:09pm Sep 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,391
I know. Also, I can't buy things. D; There's just this blank white thing and it won't let me buy anything. Not sure what's wrong, but... I'm not sure if anyone else has that problem. //End off-topic complaining.


7:26pm Sep 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,651

I hate the new buying thing!
I type the code right, and this:
There is currently none of that item?
Lady, there's 3 left in stock!
You typed the code wrong.
What? I typed it right!
Support to remove the buying and egg thing!
I have very poor vision and have skipped over about
5 veram eggs, because I've seen it as the new page is loading.
Could it get any smaller?

I am online..

3:13am Sep 8 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,062
There might be a good reason for the security code when you buy things. I'm not 100% sure, but most sites use them because they have to. I'm not sure on Res's reason for suddenly using them, but I'm sure it'd be possible to get it removed if it's not necessary.

As for the egg notification, I have to agree. It doesn't bother me terribly that I can't see the eggs anymore right away (though I do really miss it. It made things so much easier), I absolutely can't stand that tiny, tiny little green button you have to click to bring the notification down.

It needs to be bigger! xD


10:08am Sep 8 2011

Normal User

Posts: 244
I have to agree with you guys about the egg notification. Its the same way when you find some of the random event emote squishies, planet fruit, and tu.  I also don't like the fact the eggs now rot. Now I will have like a million rotten eggs before I can hatch them all and i'm stuck as a merchant.


11:42am Sep 8 2011

In Training

Posts: 355
Thanks  for the feedback about egg hunting - I am sure we can make that better.
Capcha codes are annoying but they're also necessary to prevent automated cheating. Hopefully it won't take players too long to get used to them.


7:57am Sep 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 437
I don't mind the shop thingie^^

I agree on the egg finding thing though. Way too small, I keep missing them too, although I would need to pick up some more now that half of my eggs fail at hatch :/.


3:06pm Sep 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 517
I agree


1:46pm Sep 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 299
I'm going to have to agree as well, the captcha letters are really annoying, considering I hardly ever get them right. xD

I dislike how egg finding is smaller and takes longer to click and extra steps and yeah, the big notification that V2 had was perfect.

V3 is nice. I'm growing to like it, but I'd really like for the eggs finding to change, if not the captcha.


11:43pm Sep 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 373

Yeah...the captcha is really annoying. But unfortunately it sounds like nothing can be done about that.

But omg. OMG. I totally agree about the eggs.

With the introduction of the egg rotting and the hatching failing, making the egg notifications smaller than they were before does NOT help. I mean, really? xD It would really be great if they were bigger and brighter.


11:46am Sep 11 2011


Posts: 3,217
0_0 i heard there going to bring out a reason for the egg rotting and its going to make you want to rot your eggs! im not shore if these rumors are true or just wishful thinking but the egg rotting/ failing is annoying. i incubated this egg and hatched it a few minuets after it was done and the hatch failed! i hope the rumors true and i hope whatever it is comes out soon.


11:28pm Sep 11 2011


Posts: 1,586
Res uses captchas because there are times when LE items come out in NORMAL shops and we can't have one greedy person hogging them all now can we? I don't mind too much. And I don't think I've missed eggs with the egg link that's there now.
And you can buy bulk, just slide the slider thing to the right.
No support, I like it as it is now


6:46am Sep 12 2011 (last edited on 6:47am Sep 12 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 219

Edit: DARN IT. Posted in the wrong thread. ^^"

Here is your assignment. I have an order for one of these Creatu: albino Meragon\r\n
\r\nYou currently have 13 Pet Quest Points.
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