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2:00pm Sep 12 2011 (last edited on 6:16am Sep 15 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 338
Captchas are a necessary evil when you have dishonest users (like certain banned ones) who took advantage of "buy links".  I think they're annoying too, but at least they make it more fair when those new or limited items are released in shops.  I say keep 'em.

As for egg hunting, I think it's a good thing that it's a little more time-consuming.  Does anyone *really* need 100 eggs per day?  We have too many pets on Res, partly because so many users hatch just because they can (not because they need/want the pet).  I don't know of any other site that allows you to create MORE pets every single day.  It's got to slow down somehow.

Leave it all as is.  No support for the old system.  Maybe tweak the egg-find notification, but don't make it as easy and mindless as before.


10:45pm Sep 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 73
I don't like the egg thing either. V2 had that right, picture of the egg, and name of what you found. The tiny notifications are so hard to see.

Same for alerts and updates, they're too tiny. just please please please make them bigger! Even a 50% size increase would make it easier, though bigger than that would be nice.

8:37am Sep 14 2011 (last edited on 8:50am Sep 14 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 437
First, the egg notification made smaller won't slow down the hatching rate. I do not have a Tesuri egg and hunting for it is a pain? Well, I will just hatch Gondra instead, that I can pick up in 2 minutes. I will hatch something anyways. People hatch not because they have tons of eggs. People hatch because honestly, there is really nothing much else to do :/.

Second, I never ever reached the 100 eggs a day limit. If I pick up like 10 eggs a day, that's a lot. And I usually manage to pick up like 10 seasonal eggs before my time limit is over, because I just do not have the time to sit here and click around all day :/. With V3, the pages take 5 seconds to load at best. I dare not even think about how slow it will be when everyone starts seasonal egg-hunting o_0. I think I might just give it up before finding even 5 (1 or 2 is sure to fail at hatch).

So yeah, still support. Please let us have a visible egg notification ^^;.
*goes to pick up Gondra and Zennie eggs*


12:40pm Sep 14 2011 (last edited on 6:16am Sep 15 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 338
"nothing much else to do..."  Except the quests, games...  If hatching's all you can find to do, wouldn't it be nice if more creativity was put into the process?  I'm personally not too entertained by " hatch hatch."   :)

I said that tweaking the notification was fine, if you read my post.  Beyond that, it's ONE extra click. They're trying to freshen that whole process up a bit.  Why not give the new way a chance?  If it takes longer to find eggs, why is that necessarily bad?  I'd hope that creatu prices will increase...rarity might have some meaning...I dunno, seems like a positive to me. :)


10:40pm Sep 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 437
I am not talking about the extra click. I am saying that it is painfully SMALL :/.


9:28am Sep 15 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
The different colors of the bar helps me differentiate between updates, eggs, stumbled-upon-tu, and so on...

But yes, it's really, really small.

I have bad eyes.

Half the time I'm picking up eggs I don't want. -glances at Berrok eggs-


12:43pm Sep 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 615
I agree about the Egg notification and the green thing you have to click to open the notification is just tiny.  I just had to try it 3 times before it actually hit the right bit to open it.


3:07pm Sep 15 2011

In Training

Posts: 355
Just letting you all know we're working on this issue. You may have noticed an egg image now displays on the closed alert. This is not an ideal solution, but we hope it helps until we work out something more permanent! I believe the plan is to have egg alerts be automatically open when loaded.

Is the small arrow considered a problem for all alerts, or just egg hunting?
Thanks for the feedback! :}


6:39am Sep 16 2011 (last edited on 6:40am Sep 16 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 437
Thank you, it is good to know this is worked on^^.

It doesn't cause problem for the other alerts for me, as the other alerts do not disappear if I leave the page without noticing. They are still there to open^^. Well, random events do disappear, but those add the item/TU automatically so doesn't matter.


8:08pm Sep 18 2011

Normal User

Posts: 405
I defently hate the code before purchase, i wanna buy every squishy i can for the quest but my fingers so slow and sometimes I can't read them, so agree, it was better without it


7:40pm Sep 20 2011


Posts: 394
Okay the Egg Alert should be better now :)

8:21pm Sep 20 2011

Normal User

Posts: 437
Thanks Patrick, it is much better now! ^^


8:49pm Sep 20 2011

Normal User

Posts: 4,893
Much better, Patrick. <3 Thanks. :D Now I can actually get the egg without trying to click that little arrow a couple times and not have it open until the page fully loads. xD

i’m such a gamer uwu
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