Previous Owners?!

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6:34pm Feb 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 507

Have you ever found a pet in the forest and was just curious about the creatu's previous owners? Like who had the creatu last and released them into the wild? I am curious like that, are you? Maybe on top of where it says to adopt or not, it could say;

Last Owned By: ___________

That would answer many pointless questions rushing through my mind. Just to not bother me about it and so I wont be confused about even more things.

You agree?

6:30am Feb 17 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,035
I think that from it, you'd get people who are over sensitive about starving or releasing creatu, who would then attack the previous owners with abuse about them being uncaring, and so on.

It'd create more problems that are a lot worse than simple curiosity.
That's my opinion.

1:42pm Feb 17 2009

Normal User

Posts: 507
Didn't think about that... :X

6:43am Feb 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
The database with be humongous. This might cause a few glitches.


Feel the love man D:<

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