Purging and pet cap

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1:57pm Feb 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 195
Two things occurred to me while categorizing my Showroom.

1. There are a lot of great names sitting on long-abandoned and iced accounts. Iced users will 99.9% never return to that account, so those names should be cleared without a doubt. For abandoned accounts, I think there should be a time limit. If they haven't logged in in at least 4-5 (or maybe more) years, maybe their names should be cleared up, too. In case the user returns, maybe they could keep the actual pet but have to choose new names?

2. I have a lot of pets for one user (450-500). And I don't consider myself even close to some people's collections. There is no system in place to prevent obsessive hoarding. I think there should be a cap, figured mathematically like 3 of each creatu/color combo per person. It gives leeway to collectors so that can have 1 of each creatu/color if they wish, plus extra if they like a particular pet. It's hard to explain simply, so I'll give a scenario.

Let's say I'm a Meiko collector. There are 28 total color options for Meiko, including dyed mutants. If we divide 28 times 3 (so it's possible to have each stage of one color), I can have a total of 84 Meikos. Now let's say I don't like Intes. Intes have 28 total color options, including dyed mutants. If I don't want any Intes, I can apply those 84 available "slots" to other pets, including my Meiko collection, so I can have 168 Meiko, or even more if I choose. You, in effect, have a number of slots determined by the current number of creatu/color combinations. What you choose to use them on is your prerogative. Using this system, there is still a large amount of creatu one user can own, so most people wouldn't be forced to downsize considerably.

Opinions or suggestions on a better way to improve this idea are welcome. :)

Something will be here eventually.

2:25pm Feb 27 2013 (last edited on 2:25pm Feb 27 2013)


Posts: 2,155
From the stickied post titled Topics not open for debate: Banned/Inactive accounts
Items, pets, tu, or anything else will not be put back into circulation from these accounts. Pets will be deleted from banned accounts after a significant period of time. Inactive accounts will not be touched in any way.

No support for the creature cap. I don't see anything wrong with hoarding if that's a part of the game that you really like.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

5:02am Feb 28 2013

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
Yeah, just no. One of the things I like about Res is you can have as many Creatu as you damn well please.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

4:06pm Feb 28 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,751
I just couldn't see this creatu cap happening, and I'm quite glad. It wouldn't be fair to make people stop doing what they love on the site. I couldn't stand it if this was made, because I just like hoarding things. It's annoying on some sites where you think, "Hey, I'll buy this pet!" and then the site gives you some error message because you've capped out. You said in your post like most people wouldn't have to downsize considerably, but what about those who would? They've paid good tu for these pets and spent their time working for them. They should be able to keep these hard earned symbols of their tu.

Hi there

4:41pm Feb 28 2013 (last edited on 4:41pm Feb 28 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 195
Thanks, Broken, for clarifying. I forgot about that stickied thread.
Thanks for bringing up valid points, Broken and Mega.

My rationale behind this is that right now it isn't a big deal because the number of active pla[injection]yers isn't large. The most I usually see online at one time is 150 pla[injection]yers. I was thinking in the future, a problem might pose itself. The existence of a hatching limit not only serves to keep rare colors valuable, but keeps names from being used up as quickly, proof that is of some im[injection]portance at least.

This can be deleted/locked now.

Something will be here eventually.
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