6:56am Dec 16 2008
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Posts: 829
Dawn - Agree with you Plus is gonna be a big fuss with the bugs that gonna appear D:

ãƒã‚¯ã‚µã‚¹Rokusasu. #13, The Key of Destiny Event Horizon & Magic Hour
9:20pm Dec 16 2008
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Posts: 6
Hm... I dont think that is such a good idea. I mean, it may seem cool and stuff, but it would be too much of a hassle just keeping the site up and running if Res did that. This is my personal opinion, but I dont really like how Neopets made it so you could dress your pet. It takes away from the natural beauty of the pet. Why should someone spend tons of their time designing a pet that you are just gonna clothe? After Neopets made the option of dressing your pet, I left. And I was a MAJOR player before then. I had premium and everything.
2:49am Dec 17 2008
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Posts: 829
Each and every virtual site have their own so called signature attraction and rescreatu is hatching, wajas is breeding, neopet is dressing up poor pets in ugly clothes 8D - Rox, Breeding Creatu?? =D that's what I said D:

ãƒã‚¯ã‚µã‚¹Rokusasu. #13, The Key of Destiny Event Horizon & Magic Hour
9:05pm Dec 17 2008
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Posts: 183
And also that will show somepeople's conbinatons...Have you seen some of the pets of neopets, they are terrible dressed poor lil ugly things...*1 min of silence*
9:40pm Dec 17 2008
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Posts: 1,007
*stands back in reverence for the inhabitants of neopets* They had so little potential in the first place, and that potential was crushed with dresses, hats, floating orbs, random stuff, more clothes, scarves, etc.... Poor things. Can't see how they can breathe...

And here we witness the rarely seen Pippit in her natural habitat. Let's observe
11:22pm Dec 17 2008
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Posts: 109
I liked neopets when I was 5... When they didn't stuff poor animals into stuffy dresses, vests, and those wierdo samurai costumes. O_o
i am incredibly lost right now
4:11am Dec 18 2008
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Posts: 829

poor thing D:

ãƒã‚¯ã‚µã‚¹Rokusasu. #13, The Key of Destiny Event Horizon & Magic Hour
6:21pm Dec 18 2008
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Posts: 3,642
*bursts into laughter* What the heck? xD Oh, that terribly tortured.. whateveritis. But its eyes scare me. D8 To clothing on Creatu, I say no! Creatu would not be Creatu, if they wore clothing. >:l They're awesome, just how they are. And the clothes would ruin that feeling of realism that they hold.
6:24pm Dec 18 2008
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Posts: 1,588
I Prefer Creatu to neopets cause creatu look more wild Collars for creatu, i agree with that, but CLOTHES, that would ruin it
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
8:39pm Dec 18 2008
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Posts: 1,731
No thank you. I don't want this site turning anywhere Neopets, and clothing is the last thing we need. I think natural creatu colors make them gorgeous as is; there's dye kits now, too, and that should up looks.
3:22am Dec 20 2008
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Posts: 829
yoshi - that "What the heck? xD Oh, that terribly tortured.. whateveritis" is neopet DX seriously, I quitted neopets, did some thinking and think is seriously childish site, hehe...

ãƒã‚¯ã‚µã‚¹Rokusasu. #13, The Key of Destiny Event Horizon & Magic Hour
5:46am Dec 20 2008
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Posts: 85
Well right now I just don't see the point of clothes if t hey just sit in the gallery. If the Creatu can't use a lot of these things that just sit in the gallery and all we use them for is to look at, and if we don't have a house or anything to put our junk in then...... they're just useless items, which is why I don't buy them.
"Do you know somewhere he can be free? River, deliver him there." (Play that line to Xena as she gives up Solan and you've got a killer video)
(Creator Endorsed licenses increase value more than current copyright licenses).
5:49am Dec 20 2008
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Posts: 17
I do not support clothes on creatu, but do like the idea of having the option of putting a collar on. More collars could be made, some could maybe be searched for on special occasions, maybe some as credit shop items etc. Maybe art contests for the players where one or two of the best collars get selected to be the next style collar to become available. And maybe make it so that collars could only be put on an adult creatu. To cut back on some of the problems.
7:13am Dec 20 2008
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Posts: 85
I don't support collars because it's a symbol of possession/ownership, putting clothes on your creatu isn't a bad idea. Just right now I don't see the point of them.
"Do you know somewhere he can be free? River, deliver him there." (Play that line to Xena as she gives up Solan and you've got a killer video)
(Creator Endorsed licenses increase value more than current copyright licenses).
1:49pm Dec 20 2008
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Posts: 183
putting cloth to pet is a symbol of i want to make my pet a clown. Whole res would turn into a circus.
6:26am Dec 21 2008
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Posts: 85
We could just as easily say putting clothes on humans is a symbol of 'fashion' and 'gender barriers' vs. what they were originally tended for to keep warm. We don't need to have all these fancy clothes, or shoes that cost over 100 something dollars. We could in some places just as easily wear nothing or very minimum and in other places where a ton of stuff, so why should it have pretty bows, and pictures, and the sort? Because our clothes represent who we are and what we have to say about them. We don't 'need' them in every circumstances, so why shouldn't our creatu have them too? Dressing an animal/creatu to some people is a way for them to say I think of you as part of our family and will dress you the way I dress myself. If we can do it to our children, and to some people their animals are their children, why should they be treated any differently? So if people want to dress their creatu/animals they should have every right to, they're their babies. And if you don't agree with it...then don't dress your creatu/animals! It's that simple. So many people go I don't agree with something, then don't do it, but don't let the other people who do agree lose the option just because 'you' personally don't like it. *twiddles thumbs* just saying...
"Do you know somewhere he can be free? River, deliver him there." (Play that line to Xena as she gives up Solan and you've got a killer video)
(Creator Endorsed licenses increase value more than current copyright licenses).
6:42pm Dec 21 2008
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Posts: 1,210
Yeah,clothes wouldnt be cool at all,but soem small accesories(like maybe an mp3 hanging down their neck,necklace,ear-warmers etc.) or editable expressions would be nice owo I would love if you could purchase a smirk for your creatu or something like that 8D Then we all wouldnt need to stay up for hours while HTMLing madly D:
1:17pm Dec 22 2008
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Posts: 17
Collars= symbol of possession/ownership? What is feeding,dying,selling,trading,batteling,naming,putting in shops, putting on profiles, releasing or adopting from the wild,reading to,and training,a symbol of? Confused, what am I missing, please help?
3:47pm Dec 22 2008
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Posts: 85
well they do that to humans as well, thats a symbol of ownership as well. (but thats another story). Anyway SO if we want to go about the route of it IS ownership then I have every right to put clothes on my creatu no? And the same for adoptions, children are sold, traded, (maybe not battled), and posted up for horrid reasons... Least we can do is give them some clothes, a warm bed, and treat them with some kind of decorum, no? Anyway. My point is, I'm not going to put a collar on my creatu whom I think as part of my family, and I have NEVER sold any of my creatu whom I care about. I call it adoption when I buy them. I view selling a creatu as 'adopting' a child. So I say people who want to have clothes and put them on their Creatu feel free to, but don't stop other people from being allowed to dress their own creatu. I personally wouldn't dress/or put a collar on my creatu, but there are other people who would like to do those things and we shouldn't go oh but I don't agree with it so lets not do it. (Simply don't do it). The same for collars. I don't agree with collars, but I don't have to use them. Simply don't wear the collar. It's nice to at least HAVE the option to do things, if we don't agree then we don't have to do it, and if we do, then we can. I don't see why we should use our own personal beliefs and views as a way to oppress and keep others from doing their own?* That's all I'm saying really. Personal view you don't have to agree, that's how I see it though
"Do you know somewhere he can be free? River, deliver him there." (Play that line to Xena as she gives up Solan and you've got a killer video)
(Creator Endorsed licenses increase value more than current copyright licenses).
10:46pm Dec 22 2008
Posts: 394
Clothes will have a purpose very soon. But they won't be dressed on our pets.