Put Hunger Status on the Sidebar

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10:11am Jan 17 2013


Posts: 1,586
I think it would be extremely useful if we can see our selected pet's hunger status on the sidebar. 


1. One day you log in and your pets are gone. You thought your food pen was stocked but they're in your graveyard. What's this? Food pen empty? My goodness, you never remembered to check.
Showing the hunger status would have prevented this. You can just glance at your selected pet whilst on the SB and see 40/100 and know hey, my food pen is empty.

2. You're killing creatu, but there are some creatu on your profile you want to keep alive. You're feeding them from your inventory but you have to keep clicking on the picture of each to check their hunger and feed some. You're now developing carpal tunnel syndrome from all the stress.

xD At CTS but really, it does hurt your wrists with all the excess clicking -_- You can check hunger status AND feed selected pets on the same page without having to click on each one to bring up the little window with all the stats. Makes life easier.

3. You're picking apples. Fun pastime. You want to check to see if you pets need to eat apples which is super convenient when you pick an apple to just click the "feed pet now" link, but you need to x that out, click on the pet's pic, hop on over to your inventory to search for the apple THEN feed them. Seems like a long process.

You can save so much loading and clicking around if you could just see your pet's hunger status on the sidebar.

What if adding hunger status crowds the sidebar? Then I think you can either take off pet type or gender. After a few days of playing Res, new users pick up on creatu types really quickly. After that, I don't particularly need to be reminded that the purple narwhal thing is a Narwi. You REALLY want to be reminded of the species? Then take off gender. I think it's the second least useful thing in that little info panel.

Suggestions, ideas, support? ^^


4:04pm Jan 17 2013 (last edited on 4:05pm Jan 17 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Total Support. It is quite inconvenient, especially with the apple tree thing.

Hi there

5:26pm Jan 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 335
Support, especially since I think this would be a fairly easy improvement.


1:30am Jan 18 2013

Normal User

Posts: 171
I support this too! It would make it a lot easier to remember which pets need feeding.

Also, if clicking on apples (or any food item) shows how much hunger they will fill, that would help a lot.

Pokemon fans check this out and sign the petition!

10:18pm Jan 18 2013

Normal User

Posts: 708


3:22pm Jan 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 211
I support!

Maybe while they add the hunger stats, they can add the health stats too. Cause I notice some event or things around Rescreatu, your pet can't  have 0 health stats. Also, whenever the battle/training system is done. Having this already done would help as well. But yes, I agree to the hunger bar overall. It gets very annoying to go one by one, click pet image, see if they are hungry, close image, selected pet, and then feed.

When they can add the hunger bar and it would be, select pet (cause its hungry), feed, and then move on to the next pet.

10:28pm Jan 21 2013

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135

If I'd had this, maybe my purple narwhal thing wouldn't have died.


7:34pm Feb 21 2013


Posts: 1,586
Upping this :D

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