Put Seasonal Eggs in Explore

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11:14pm Dec 8 2023

Normal User

Posts: 344
Hi, this kind of goes hand in hand with the other suggestions I've
made before about the egg hunts, but as someone who can't use them, I
feel I have to at least offer solutions to my problem instead of
constantly complaining. And also I don't think I've officially made this suggestion in the forums yet? Just random comments here n there


Would it be possible to get seasonal eggs in explore at least?
Over the years a few requests have been made for the "cave" egg hunts to be updated to be a but more accessible for those of us that can't use them for one reason or another, and there's been no update so far :(

Could we at least get the seasonal eggs in explore?
I would really like to be able to find my own eggs to hatch somehow, because I can't use the current feature as-is.
Preferably the caves would be updated to be more accessible, so I guess this is kind of a compromise?

I know it's not personal, but that doesn't make me feel any less left out of things, haha



8:12am Dec 9 2023

Normal User

Posts: 1,444
I don't see a problem with this suggestion but only if the "pacing strategies" are fixed on the explore. I was told a dozen times that you can have both "prefer items" and "Egg rarity enabled" at the same time, so it prefers items but if it finds a rarer egg while the inventory is full it will toss out a more common one and the most common eggs will always be tossed out for items as well. This is still, to this day, not the case. I cannot have both sliders active at once. Since other things are also findable during this egg hunt I would want to be able to use both at once


11:38am Dec 9 2023

Normal User

Posts: 344
Ha! I didn't know the strategies were broken, I thought that was an on purpose thing that's happened. Interesting.

I probably wouldn't use it if it got fixed (I just wanna egg hunt lol), but I hope it does, especially if it's supposed to work.


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