Your pet _____(name) has found a secret tunnel!
Explore the secret place?
[Yes] [No]
Your pet _____ has found a ink! And some paper. Would you like us to take you to the other Cavern?
[Yes] [No]
Your pets ______ and ______ are wanting to go and make some messages! Your pet ___(easero) has changed your white blank paper to ________ (the color of your easero). Your Quelis has made the ink go _____(the color of your quelis)
Here is a Easero Feather for all your hard work! Now go and write down your message and send it to your fellow user!
(Here is what the message will look like)
Dear ____,
I am writing this letter to tell you that ________.
Thanks again!
Sincerely ______ :)
(This will most likely be a lot longer :D)