Quest Items

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4:36pm Nov 23 2022 (last edited on 9:39am Nov 24 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 678
Just a small suggestion, unsure if it's been asked/answered before

Harlow's Quest items should not be the items that are base price of 1mil+
(such as the LGBT pins in Fashion Galore, or MP3 player)

**I think the pay rate of other quests matches the expense for these items (I haven't done the clothing quest however), but when training tokens are sold for about 400k each, and you are spending 1mil+ in NPC shops for these items, it doesn't make sense

That, or we should have the option to skip a quest without having to wait for the timer?

**NEW** Similarly, Harlow's Quest asks for event items (like Whipped Cream for pie baking) - this should either be a skippable quest or be a non-asked for item during when it's needed for an event.

Welcome to any thoughts/suggestions! 

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8:04pm Nov 23 2022 (last edited on 1:11am Dec 5 2022)

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Posts: 193
Support. Asked for pansexual tank top twice within 10min.

5:53pm Nov 26 2022

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Posts: 3,011

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!
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