I know, it's not the best - as I said it's just an outline. I am bad at animals, so I done the egg. I was thinking of it being an arctic fox type animal, but with two or three tails. If someone could do a picture, that would be great :)
And also, this idea could also come with a new planet: Glaciete (glay-SEE-tay) or Glaciea (glay-SEE-ah).
And also feel free to draw the egg :)
Basic outline for people who wish to draw the baby/teenage/adult
Baby: A baby fox (white with blue details like whiskers) curled up, eyes closed. At this stage they'd only have one tail. A light blue swirl on their hind leg.
Teenage: White fox sitting up, towards their left. Icey blue eyes, light blue details. A light blue swirl on their hind leg. Two tails at this stage.
Adult: Standing up, the coat is more blue-ish and details are darker. Muscles more defined. Dark blue swirl on hind leg. Three tails at this stage.