Releasing unnamed creatu

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6:00pm Apr 17 2009

Normal User

Posts: 29

It would be really nice to have the option of releasing a creatu into the wild directly from the hatchery, without naming it first. We already know that ranchers frequently don't keep natural colored creatu, so it would save a lot of those "gyujnjk" names that always end up in the forest. �Then the creatu could either be named upon adoption from the forest, or gain a randomly generated name.

�As it is, I never even bother looking in the forest for creatu, because I already know most of the names are random key presses. �There would be much higher motivation to adopt (rather than hatch) if you could name a creatu you adopted.

Adopt one today!

8:20pm Apr 17 2009

Normal User

Posts: 829
Agree <3
Though if might happen, some users been talking about this idea before c:


#13, The Key of Destiny
Event Horizon & Magic Hour


10:13pm Apr 17 2009

Normal User

Posts: 29

Cool. �I certainly hope so.

I confess I'm immensely jealous of your avatar. �*crosses fingers and hopes for Nimhrod to get double vision*�

Adopt one today!

4:18am Apr 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 399
Perhaps if you were to find something albino that someone had released by mistake there would be a 'Giving back' option. It would be obvious if it were a mistake, if you catch my drift.

yeah i dont know either.


6:00am Apr 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 558
sorry to bother, how can i go to the forest to seek for orfan creatures


6:46pm Apr 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 829
Iooni, here
And do post it somewhere else, other than user's thread.


#13, The Key of Destiny
Event Horizon & Magic Hour


5:46pm Apr 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 676
I do not like the give back idea... beacause what if some prankster foud a creatu named adfdfdsfasdfasdf and decides to give it back to the owner? wouldn't it be annoying to the part of the owner? and if you are really concerned about the owner of the precious pet, i believe that it's either you keep it (it's not your fault you've found one that has been rejected accidentally or not) or look for it's owner by posting a thread or a blog... =]


10:07pm May 11 2009


Posts: 394
This option has been added to the v2 hatchery. You have the option to release the pet before naming it.
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