There are quite a lot of suggestions currently in this here suggestions forum.
Problem is that, if we try to support any of these brilliant ideas now (excluding like, 6 posts that are within 4 weeks), they get locked and eventually removed for Necroposting, and that glorious suggestion that could have one day become reality, is gone.
There are definitely some excellent suggestions in this forum category as a whole, but alas can't be heard long enough or supported because we cannot post on them after 4 weeks, because that would be necroposting, which I find personally, rather annoying and literally silly.
Suggestions are here for attention and feedback; something to build upon and one day produce, yes?
Which is why I propose that the Necroposting rule does not count for the Suggestions Forums. Or maybe even expand the time limit to a year or so to give older suggestions a chance to be reheard.
The Necroposting rule currently isn't in place for Site Feedback, and suggestions, to me, is another form of site feedback, where we think of things to add to, and improve on around the site. And frankly, there's no real point making a suggestion if it's only going to be active for a month and then be unable to post on it and get ignored altogether.
Thoughts? c: