Normal User 
Posts: 749
I don't know if this is a problem for anyone else, but I absolutely loathe capcha codes. Most of the images I get are words cramped together/overlapping, or 1's and I's mixed in succession. This makes it incredibly difficult to type in the correct code, and often I find myself having to 'buy' an item over four times before the correct code is given.
It would be nice if we got some easier capcha codes, or if the method for verifying that we're human is simpler. Like clicking on an specific item in a picture. -shrugs- I'm just really annoyed because I've missed out on all the limited items so far as I haven't been able to buy the stuff due to incorrect capchas, and when I redo it the item is gone >.<
Normal User 
Posts: 3,426
One system for Human Verification I've seen is requiring the user to select from a multiple choice option what an image was of. In that particular case, you had a picture of a Pokemon (a Pikachu) and had several Pokemon options to choose from. (Pikachu, Bidoof, Charizard, kind of thing.)
I liked this system but the only problem I can see is with new users. Although this might actually encourage new users to learn the creatu (I've seen some of them sometimes ask what several creatu are in the chat) and it could provide a link to the Creatu Species database for them to look up the options and figure it out.
Overall I support a change. Those CAPCHAs are a pain in the butt.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:52am Nov 2 2013 (last edited on 11:58am Nov 2 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 4,093
The multiple choice selection doesn't have to be Rescreatu-related. On other sites, I see things like "Which one of these is round?" and the options will be broccoli, keyboard and basketball. General things like these can probably cover MOST users on the site in terms of knowledge. c:
I hate captchas too. |D
EDIT: I honestly do think Res-related (Colours, creatu etc.) human verifications would be way more fun and relevant, but if the new users thing ends up being an issue then the first would work as well.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe