Rescreatu Color Book!!!

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7:09am Feb 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 8

I know, so epic an idea, I can't be the first, but I read the whole first page, and I didn't see it anywhere. SO I think there should be a page on here for a Rescreatu Color Book! I'd even be willing to help with it's up keep. Yeah, I'm new here, so I can't be staff, but I know HTML and I know color books! >.> Well, paper ones. But it's just posting images!

 ANYWAY! A color book that has the line art for alllllll the creatu and maybe the shopkeepers and stuff! And maybe Kir... Even though I'm upset with him right now. Lemme know what you think!


1:25pm Feb 12 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135

Sounds awesome. <3 Maybe have Creatu doing different stuff and poses too?

... I just want to color an Omni really. :V


3:23pm Feb 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,369

I've been wondering if res would ever release the pdf's for the pet art like some other sites do to make editing easier, but I just never figured it would happen. xD


It would be kinda nice to have a coloring book, though. :V 


7:18pm Feb 12 2011


Posts: 394
We will likely release the line art at some point for you guys to color with. Its something we've wanted to do but haven't had the opportunity to yet.

3:55am Feb 13 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135

Haha, yeah!

-grabs money-

"Dad? I need you to buy SAI for me!"

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