I don't think the plushies should be all babies 0_o. More like the current squishies in the squishie shop *is not fan of baby pets*.
And dangly legs=pure win <3 That's exactly why I'd like ivik plushie too^^ If it will ever be out I hope it will be possible to order from Japan (bet it will cost a fortune)><.
a video game!! that would be awesome. you would be able to connect to wifi and transfer pets from your game onto the website. and it would have to be updatable when you go on wifi to. news pets and colours and all. and when you attach to wifi, you should be able to connect onto the forums and rmail people. forums and wifi should also be acessable when you play wireless. how awesome would that be! yeah, with the jewelry thing, if i make a couple of different versiond and stuff, and then post it on this thread.
that would be copying pokemon. which is illegal. and you don`t catch creatu anyway. but if that were to happen, patrick would have to be the equivilant of prof.oak. X3 except younger. D8
I'd honestly kill for stuffed animal version of res pets so... UBER SUPPORT :D <3 Cuz you see, I collect stuffad animals, and there's NOTHING around that are like res pets :o so it be awesome to have <3
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o