Rescreatu Society at a Crawl!

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1:29am Mar 23 2012 (last edited on 9:21am Mar 23 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 422

On Friday, March 23, 2012

> Today, I was discussing the lack of tu circulation on Rescreatu on the ShoutBox with Sirimoyoni and Pandoryn. After talking with these two, I have come up with a few ideas that could possible relieve this issue.

1.       Reduce the price of all None CS items in NPC shops. (including black market)

 2.       Release a maximum tu allowed to a user. (300mil or something similar)

 3.       Remove all tu on Banned accounts and pump it back into circulation. (how, I’m not sure)

Banned/Inactive accounts
tle="" target="">Items, pets, tu, or anything else will not be put back into circulation from these accounts.

 Firstly, my reasoning for reducing the price of all non-CS items will allow users to circulate the little tu that is in circulation [not including the tu that is being held by other users, with tu goals]. This would allow newer users and even older users with not much tu to continue with the game, even though there are users collecting tu for tu goals.

Secondly, a tu maximum would allow a set amoun of tu on Rescreatu, allowing tu to be monitored easier. Also this would heighten to circulation of tu. the types of maximums could be, maximum of 100mil on hand, maximum of 150mil in bank, and a maximum of 100,000 shares in stocks. This allows there to be 250mil tops being used in the game at any one time by each user. Even if it was a just a maximum of shares allowed in the stock market, this could provide, slightly easier gameplay, and it would still leave the effort involved in getting creatu. Otherwise, there are users attempting to gain endless amounts of tu.

Lastly, removing tu from banned accounts and pumping it back into circulation, just allows more tu in game.
Banned/Inactive accounts
tle="" target="" style="text-decoration: underline; ">Items, pets, tu, or anything else will not be put back into circulation from these accounts.

These are the ideas I have come to to help Rescreatu with the lack of circulation of Recreatu currency, if none of these ideas are as useful as I believe them to be, please make other suggestions or thinks of ways circulation of tu can be improved.

... Wow, what a way to write an essay in 20min. 


Please comment!
Azy ^^ 


1:40am Mar 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 482
The problem with these ideas is that they are unreasonable first reason is the prices of all items is based on the economy and if you make items easier to get it lowers thier value second is by restricting the amount of tu a user can get would be a huge mistake some creatu are worth around 500 mil and upwards so they would be almost impossible to afford totally cripplei g the entire game . There is no tu shortage i have never had a problem getting tu its called invest in stocks. there is no reason to recirculate tu from banned accounts.. Sorry No support


1:42am Mar 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 422
I understand. ^^


1:46am Mar 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 151
I have to agree with slyfox.

Lowering the cost of items makes them easier to get which would flood the market with dyed pets and whatnot that would in turn be worth nothing. This would be a loss for both ranchers and merchants.

Maximum tu amounts would limit tu circulation because there would be LESS tu for people to spend.

And there is no way to put tu from banned accounts back into the game because... it's just numbers on a screen not anything of actual value, there is nowhere to put it.

Investing in stocks is one of the best ways to make effortless tu.  Playing all the games can earn you over 1mil each week.  The game has to be challenging otherwise goals wouldn't exist they would just be... tasks.


1:49am Mar 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 422
I might point out that the first two correspond, with cheaper pets and items, there comes less need for such huge goals.

but as I said for Sly, I understand. It is a roughly sketched out suggestion.


1:53am Mar 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
Okay. My first question is that why is it important to increase tu circulation? Please answer this. I can't think of reasons.

Also, you can't measure the amount of tu on res. It cannot be compared to a real economy because we have NPCs that have infinite tu and no tu at the same time. Anyways. How will increasing the limit for tu help the circulation? You say you can monitor tu easily, but I don't follow the logic. Also, I have pointed out that you cannot count the amount of tu on res anyways.  Increasing the limit will even cripple the circulation. You can have more tu in your bank/hand therefore you can hoard more and take it away from circulation. Also, who on earth needs more than 250 mil? I know people can make it, but seriously. Do we need there to be more?

This whole suggestion doesn't really make much sense to me. Please explain it further. It's just a tad illogical to me xD

No support.


Feel the love man D:<


3:11am Mar 23 2012 (last edited on 3:12am Mar 23 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 756
No support for the whole thing due to reasons stated above.

TU Circulation?
Rescreatu doesn't work like a real economy like Ping said. TU doesn't go into circulation and the whole site doesn't have a fixed amount of TU on Rescreatu at any one time. New users join all the time and each user receives 10k TU, which is basically created out of nowhere. Any TU left to rot on banned or inactive accounts doesn't affect Rescreatu in any way. I don't see the logic in this thread.

Limit of TU
Why would anyone want a maximum amount of TU? I think it's quite silly as Bino CSers are priced at 500mil. Black and bino retired CSers, priced at 800mil and 1bil TU respectively, won't be able to be bought then and people won't be able to achieve their dreams. This would disrupt the pricing system of pets.

NPC Shops
I personally think that the NPC shop items are already at a really low price. Most items in shops other than the BM are priced at 1-70k TU. I don't see the reason to why the price should be lowered at all. Sure, the Black Market items are pricey, but it's because it's the Black Market and the items are supposed to be expensive. :/

Sorry if I sound harsh but I don't really see the point in this thread. :|


5:12am Mar 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
Absolutely no support. You're not stimulating the economy in any way, to be honest. It's not like buying things from NPC shops stimulates the economy in any way. For the banned account thing, it's already been stated nothing will be taken from banned accounts since I bet you money a lot of them were cheating to get that Tu.

A lot of people try to get a lot of tu, either to blow it all at once for whatever reason or saving up for something big. The thought of putting a limit on hard work is horrifying in any way. Should people close down their rancher shops because they've suddenly hit the maximum with too much Tu and nothing to do with it?
This would also maybe promote multying, as people would need mule accounts just to store their excess tu not to hurt themselves.

Personally, I'm trying to save for a black Omni. That means my goal is to obtain 800mil pure. Not being able to have even half of that would screw me over.
And there's a name I really want that's in a rancher shop at the max for storage. When all else fails for me on Res, I'll be saving up 2bil for it. But I can't do that if there's a limit.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

5:59am Mar 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 422
Answer to pings question. 
I understand that Rs does not work like the real economy, but it does have its limits, and when there are several users aiming to save a lot of tu, there is less people buying pets with tu and lots more people having to start from point a with gtting tu. if you have no tu in the first place, explain to me how you buy a stock share?

But as it seems this suggestion is not being supported, I believe something should be done about the lack of tu being spent or something similar, but this most likely seems like people don't like the 'limits'. No one does.


8:35am Mar 23 2012


Posts: 2,155
The absolute biggest TU sink in the game is the ability to purchase credit tokens with TU. If we want to increase circulation within the community, that needs to change.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

8:55am Mar 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 280
I also do not support for reasons already states.

And broken is right. At 35mil for 200 credits, it really is the biggest tu sink on game. People who don't want to pay with pure usually just aren't good at earning it, have already spent it, or are hoarding it.  Or perhaps there also isn't something they want to buy?  I honestly don't think the economy is that bad off, personally. 

 photo ZaphieBannerProgress_zpsa364f1e4.gif

9:06am Mar 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,642
Well you don't have to start off with a lot of tu to do stocks. It's an exponential thing. You put in a little bit when you first start and then build up over time.

I slowly gathered up about 600k over my first several months here (probably could have been a lot faster if I had cared at all) and then put 300 of it into stocks. The next day I pulled out twice what I put in and ever since I've been earning more and more as I learn about how to work with the stocks effectively.

I'm sure one could start off with even less than I did and still be able to work up to a nice profit. As long as you invest in the right stocks the only way to go is up. :3

I guess any objections I have would be a little pointless to voice, since they've already been said pretty much. Though I will say that the banned users thing just plain can't be done because a lot of that tu was probably gotten through cheating. We don't want to flood the site with tu obtained by dishonest means. Then what was the point of banning those people?


9:35am Mar 23 2012


Posts: 2,155
" if you have no tu in the first place, explain to me how you buy a stock share?"

Go play twuntie cay, random TU, enchanted springs, mystery box, rock paper scissors, etc. Take the TU earned there and invest in stocks. Dump items gained from the twuntie cay into the isthmus for TU. Play quests which reward TU. Invest more in stocks. Hatch eggs you find for free, and wait for a buyer. Invest more in stocks.

As long as you never sell for less than you bought, you can NEVER lose TU in the stocks. You may have to wait, and it will take a long time to build up shares, but it does pay off. I have enough stock shares now that I can rely on a fairly steady 20-80M per week on stocks alone. 

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

11:19am Mar 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,651

No support. Why would you want to reduce prices of credit shop items?
That's how tu is made and how more tu gets into circulation. Having a tu limit?
 Some bino CS pets are worth waaay more than 300mil.
Like Dragwolf, I don't even see the point of this thread.

I am online..

10:16am Apr 14 2012


Posts: 1,586
Some people have tons of tu, they're either saving for something or hoarding to see how much they would make.
They don't spend it because they don't want to.

Putting a limit only means that they will hoard less, but it wouldn't make them spend more.
And I bet, many people who hoard hundreds of millions plan to spend it eventually, or at least some of it, so the limit will only allow a person to spend 250 mill at a time, max, instead of 500 mill if they were out to buy something that expensive.

This would seriously devalue everything on the game, if everyone had the same amount of tu then what would be the point of playing? Everyone would be able to get the same items/pets and the sense of competition amongst friends would be lost.


4:37pm Apr 20 2012

Normal User

Posts: 640
Not supporting the limited tu idea. 


10:52pm Apr 30 2012

Normal User

Posts: 256
No support.

On recirculating tu from banned accounts

With things such as games, quests, springs, new users, stocks, and other such things, there is a constant flow of new tu on the site. That and how could putting tu from banned accounts back into circulation go with rescreatu goals in anyway. As with the recent ban of adoption agencies, staff want to encourage us to make our own money and not beg. All of that tu being "recirculated" would be basically free money. 

On making a tu limit

A tu limit would make a lot of users unhappy, especially those who are selling pets worth a lot more than 300 mill, and those trying to buy said pets. This would encourage cheating in game. Think about it how do you get around a tu limit? You make multiple accounts. This does not work with the economy, or promote healthy site rules.

On price reduction

This will simply make everything worth less, it won't make people want to buy things more. 
You have a good idea to try and stimulate the economy, however the way you're going about it just wouldn't help, and may just make it worse.


8:17pm May 31 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,057
I just feel like we need to better the economy of res... its gone down the pooper... maybe we need to (like 14 has stated) not let people buy credits with tu, it would be cool if we had a res economy team elected by pat to make sure things in the game go smoothly .


12:36am Jun 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 151
I am 100% in favor of having credits only available for $$$ and not tu.  I have personally never bought credits with tu, only real money and I have spent hundreds of dollars on them.. but that was my choice.


7:15am Jun 1 2012 (last edited on 7:15am Jun 1 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 256
I agree with others that purchasing credits with real currency only would probably really help out the economy.

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