1:23pm Aug 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 356
This forum is open to any suggestions/ideas or opinions that other users may have. This forum idea is open to criticism and debating, and every user is entitled to explain why he or she agrees and/or disagrees with the idea. Note: (This idea is a little vague still. If you agree or disagree with this idea, PLEASE explain why!) We'll be traveling to hypothetical land and back at some points XD Let's say you want this Creatu name. Okay, so the name's a double. But a lot of the doubles are dead, so it's not problem, right? We'll just wait for the names to be cleared from the Graveyard because the users are inactive, so it's not like they're going to resurrect the pets anytime soon, right? But then you find out that another user still has one of the doubles that's alive, and let's just say hypothetically, not for sale. So what do you do? The other users aren't coming on anytime soon, and soon those names will be cleared from the Graveyard. The other user won't let you buy their double, so you're technically in a rather deep rut. --- My suggestion/idea is the ability to be able to resurrect other users pets. A bit out there, don't you think? I know that a lot of people say this sounds unfair or this can't be done. And I understand. But this is just a suggestion xD The idea is as simple as it sounds. There's a users pet you want, you go to the Graveyard and resurrect that pet. Volia~ You now own the pet you desired. I know a lot of people will be skeptical of this idea, so I decided to post some FAQs I've seen. Isn't this really unfair to the user who owned the pet? - My theory on this is, they let the pet die. But it's not like as soon as the pet is in the Graveyard, anyone can adopt it. I think there should be a certain time (e.i: 1-2 weeks) where only the user can adopt it. And then after that, the name would be available to anyone in Rescreatu.
What if the owner can't get enough money for the Resurrection Potion by that time, or they have any other problems that prevent them from getting the pet resurrected before someone else does? - I think if that were to be the case, then something as 'reserving' the pet can be done. Only the original owner of the pet may reserve it, and therefore, no one else can resurrect that particular pet selected.
What if someone's going away for a long time, and they didn't know that their pets would die? - Same applies to the other question. If they get back in time, they can reserve the pet. There are also quite a few things at your dispense. Such as your Showroom where you can store your pets if you're leaving for a while. Or you can stock way up on the Food Pen. Basically this is a type of game where you have to take care of your pets or else they're die. It should be considered as fair a game as someone 'sniping' a pet from a Rancher Shop. This is just like taking care of a real life pet, just not so intensely xD So, why shouldn't this be fair game? It would definitly give newer users chances to be able to own a pet or pet name that they would have been given the chance to own otherwise.
Say there's one user that's resurrecting pets like crazy. How is that fair, that there's one user that is taking everyone else's pets? - There should be a limit. Like in the forest. You're limit is finding only five pets a day, right? Well, I think there should be a limit to resurrect pets, so that everyone gets a chance.
- Maybe, in your entire Res game, you'll only be given the chance to resurrect five pets from other users. Very few chances, no? Well, basically, that makes sure that one user doesn't just grab all of the good names, and it gives Res users a chance at good judgement. (example: If you could only resurrect five dead pets in your whole Res life, what five dead pets would you resurrect?)
Still, isn't this just...unfair? - I know that it does seem a little unfair. I mean if I asked myself, "How would I feel, if some user I don't even know just suddenly resurrected my pet one day and kept it all to themself?" I wouldn't be too happy. But we all have to remember, that in the end, if you don't want that happening, take care of your pets. And if you can't take care of your pets, find a close friend or someone else that can possibly help you. If I really think about it, I would accept it as the fact that my pet was dead, and the person who resurrects the pet may take good care, or even better care of the pet than I. Why else would they go through the trouble to revive the pet? And who says the new owner won't let you buy back the pet?
What about problems with your internet, or that you have brief moments where you can't access Rescreatu? - I too, sometimes can't access Rescreatu for a period of time, or I can't get on the computer for a few days, but in some cases, I am luckier than most. I have a library uptown that has computers with internet access open to the public. I know this is a very common problem, but so many people on Res are open to help others, and if you do have moments where you can't get on Res, remember that the Show Room and Food Pen can be opened. A lot can be done to prevent your pets from dying. And if you'd be referring to your already dead pets, I'm sure you can find a way to get them back :)
I don't really no want else to say...if I find anything else to note, I'll make sure to add it on here. Please, I want to hear everyone's opinion on this. Even if you detest the idea, please tell me why! Ugh, I don't even want to know how many spelling errors I have in this xD If you spot any, please inform me <3 Thank you very much ^^ Thank you everyone for reading~

1:27pm Aug 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 969
Technically, the pet is in complete...let's say "custody" of the user who let it die. Wouldn't that be stealing?
1:29pm Aug 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 502
I like the idea, sort of :x
1:29pm Aug 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 356
In certain cases, yes.
1:33pm Aug 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 98
I see you shiver with antici... pation.It\'s not easy having a good time! Even smiling makes my face ache!
2:25pm Aug 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 338
I don't care for this idea, as I think it will muck up a neat and tidy system (dying, death, resurrection, etc.). Clearing the graveyard is supposed to help with the "double" issue. Resurrecting another user's pet with a name already in use will create more doubles. I don't see that as being a good thing no matter how you look at it...how does this move us forward and help "clean up" the pet system? In that vein of thought, I also don't think that a pet should be allowed to be resurrected "as is" if its name is doubled (i.e., if a viable, living pet has the same name). I'd say, live pet trumps dead pet, and if someone is resurrecting a name already in use, they should have to change the resurrected pet's name. A user's inactivity doesn't give others the right to their pets or their pets' names. They've done nothing wrong...some users do take breaks and return to become active players. Not everyone spends their waking hours online. The gameplay mechanics shouldn't have to be changed because you want something that someone else already has. Wanting is understandable, but some of the stuff I've seen suggests a sense of entitlement.

4:03pm Aug 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 969
Adding to Jzbelle's point, Put yourself in the other owner's shoes. It wouldn't seem fair to you, User A, if User B resurrected User C's pet with the same name as yours just so they could have it. And the only reason User B did it is because you didn't want to part with your absolute favorite name. So now you can't tag it to an albino Jaaku or whatever that pet was you really wanted it on. Make sense...? I might've lost you in there. But try to break that up if you can't read it and understand all together, because. I like running on and on. XD
6:53pm Aug 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 159
This seems like it would be a lot of fuss over a very small, specific problem and implementing it would help very few people. Also, double names are generally just a frustrating pain in the butt anyway, so why try so hard to keep them around? Were I the other person who was not willing to give up the name, I would probably be looking forward to the double dying and I'd be quite disappointed if someone ressurected it. I'm sorry that you can't get the name you want, but in my opinion it wouldn't be worth it.
8:27pm Aug 29 2009
Posts: 394
As Jzbelle said, one of the points of making names get lost after a certain about of time dead is to clear out doubled names. Eventually we would like all doubles to be out of the game.
9:11pm Aug 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 44
Interesting idea, but it would definitely cause a lot of confusion and mishaps.
9:14pm Aug 29 2009 (last edited on 9:23pm Aug 29 2009)
Normal User 
Posts: 437
I dislike this idea greatly. My reasons: 1) With the current dying system, if you do not resurrect the pet in X days, you lose the name, yes. But you still own the pet! You can still resurrect it, although you have to rename it. If someone else resurrects it however, it will be completely gone. What if it was an Omni, Ebilia, albino or other hard to get species/colour? Even without the name, it is valuable. I do not want other users to just grab them at will. 2) If I would be inactive and came back after a long time to find all my pets not only dead but their names cleared I would be shocked. But I have noone to blame only myself for being gone, so I will accept eventually that others had the chance to use the name. But if I came back to see that my pets were resurrected by someone else, I would be furious. It is always harder to accept any bad news if you see that someone actively had something to do with it, and they gained something valuable on your loss. 3) Other than that, I guess the reason why the other active user doesn't want to sell the name, is that maybe they are waiting for the dead ones to be cleared too, so they could tag the name. It would be unfair to them too, to just bring back an undesired double, that was a glitch of the game from the very beginning. As Patrick said, the fewer of them the better. 4) If you say the user who returns should just accept, that you got the name they liked, because it's their fault that they weren't here when they should have been to keep it, I think I can advise you, to just simply accept the fact that another user has the name you want and do not want to sell it. After all it is your fault that you didn't start playing Rescreatu sooner, and weren't here to hatch the first of that fantastic name. That't it.

9:18pm Aug 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 44
I thought creatu only got resurrected in their original color? I could be wrong, but that has always been my interpretation.
9:24pm Aug 29 2009 (last edited on 9:25pm Aug 29 2009)
Normal User 
Posts: 437
The creatu keep their colour at ressurection. It was clearly stated in the comments to the recent news update.
9:35pm Aug 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 356
I thank all of your who have posted your thoughts and opinions ^^
9:39pm Aug 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 44
I don't always read the comments, but thanks for updating me
10:31pm Aug 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 349
Eh, im working on ressurecting some of my old pets. my poor babies. Can you believe people having rare pets like the seasonals dead in the graveyard?
11:16pm Aug 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 969
As well as the point everyone hates. A n00b or anyone for that matter can get an albino or a retired CS pet, or anything rare like that FREE. Big, big no. D;
9:06am Aug 30 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 356
Of course a big no-no xD But I've always seen N00bs having problems with things as simple as hatching or feeding. Really, I don't know how far they'd get.
12:23pm Aug 30 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 3,642
It would benefit me personally, but I don't think I much like the idea. As this thread has shown, it would cause a lot more griping than enjoyment, and be pretty unfair to certain users.
12:37pm Aug 30 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 162
lol Are you serious. Just because someone else has a name that you want and you can't have it, you want to mess the system up so you can go around taking other people's pets? Lets say that I have an albino Kioka or some other pet of great value. Oh darn, I left for a bit/forgot to feed it. Oh, no worries. I'll go resurrect it. Oh crap. It's telling me that Breeze has resurrected my albino Kioka and now she has it. K GL RAISING IT BREEZE