Revamp Ideas :)

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10:51am Dec 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 42

Of course we all know Intes has been revamped lately. Wondeful revamp I might add. There are a few more creatu who could use a revamp though. Staff is WAY to busy I know they are and I haven't any ideas of new ones, but maybe if they ever have any free time which I'm sure won't happen they'll consider a revemp. I made a lsit of some creatu that Rescrians say need a revamp the most they are , ( I probally won't spell it right )

Drindian , Aukira , Paor ( maybe ) , Zenirix , and Murren.

I love all of these creatu but maybe they could use a revamp...staff I respect that you are busy but if you ever just feel like a revamp well , look at these. Still , every creatu is wonderful this is just my opinion :)


10:59am Dec 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 273
All creatus will be revamped eventually,so I'm sorry but your thread is kinda useless. x3

\r\nAwesome.tastic siggy by Mindii. <3

11:54am Dec 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 42

Not really giving your own opinion is never useless :)


<a href=""><img src="" alt="Glitter Text Generator" width="612" height="67" border="0" /></a><br>


11:56am Dec 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 42
that link is kinda cool it makes glitter text :)


12:15pm Dec 6 2009 (last edited on 2:04pm Dec 6 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 911

All of the staff are working quite hard to revamp all of the creatu. They are well aware of the creatu that need revamps and do not need to be reminded by anyone.



12:55pm Dec 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 355

Zenirix don't need to be revamped ;D

If you think about it, why would staff go to the trouble of releasing every dye colour for it just to be wasted?

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4:31pm Dec 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 42
I hate how you guys make such the dumbest situations about things catlin if you securely read my thread I specificly stated that I know staff works hard also Losthope it's my own opinion so please do not try and get under my skin I respect staff. :


4:34pm Dec 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 431
-gives cookie to mander- D= welcome to my world


5:12pm Dec 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 911

I'm well aware of what you said, Mander, I read it before I posted.

But Mander, many threads have been made about revamps in the past. You are doing the same thing as anyone else. A staff member usually comes and states what I said above. 


5:37pm Dec 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 300
I don't think the Zenirix needs to be redone, but I'm sure that the revamps for the other ones are on their way. Rescreatu is upping their standards, and I'm sure we'll have much better looking Drindian and Murrens in the future. In the meantime, however, we have some brilliant pets already, and it's going to take some time before these pets are done, I'm sure. Just be patient. They'll get there soon enough. ;D

Luckysquid is unpacking from her move!

5:50pm Dec 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 42

I still think you all ( except Darksoul) don't unnderstand me I'm just saying that these pets could look better than they already do. it's a opinion nothing to be argued over please enjoy this dancing chicken,

 Dancing Chicktle="Dancing Chick" /> woo woo woo woo



5:52pm Dec 6 2009 (last edited on 6:12pm Dec 6 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 911

We all think some creatu could look better, including the some of staff.



6:04pm Dec 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 193
No, the staff could most certainly NOT look any better. ;O


6:09pm Dec 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 911
omg. I made a typo. ;(


7:43pm Dec 6 2009

In Training

Posts: 355
we're a good look'n bunch.


2:37am Dec 7 2009

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Posts: 3,642

*cracks up*


10:33am Dec 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 355

Pft. Get under your skin? :o


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12:32pm Dec 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 431
._. if you people have nothing nice to say then dont bother saying anything......this is just another suggestion like everything else in this topic..... if you dont agree then just say dont agree and state why in a nice way....and if u read what the person has said dont post the same thing as the person above or the same thing after the person who made the thread corrected it....


12:46pm Dec 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,444

That's just it, we've been saying that all the Creatu are getting revamped already in the order that the artists choose to do it. They are fully aware of the creatu that need more colors and a revamp and Creatu like the Drindian are in the process of being revamped. Only the staff know who is doing the revamp and no one knows when it'll be done and released, but it'll be released when it's released. That's part of an artist's job, revamping Creatu, and it's not that the staff are too busy to do so, the Creatu artists are revamping, it just takes a long time to do it.


4:29pm Dec 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 42
Hey Darksoul forget about it they still don't get it. I'll send you a friend request ok :)

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