Revised captcha system

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1:32pm Jul 23 2021

Normal User

Posts: 102
We used to have the 'type in some numbers and letters' captcha and now, I've returned to res its the image captcha..
I know some prefer this new one but for me it's infuriating.

I try to buy an item, captcha comes up.
I somehow fail it five times in a row.
Item is sold out.
I try to buy another item, I fail it three times in a row, etc. 
It's incredibly frustrating for me, and it makes me never want to try to buy anything from shops.

My suggestions:
Is it possible to choose which captcha we use?
Or maybe have it so that it's time based instead.
Like every ten minutes, half an hour, idk.

I love Shaefu.

2:25am Jul 24 2021

Normal User

Posts: 193
Not a fan of the new captcha too. Time consuming

5:50pm Sep 21 2021

Normal User

Posts: 558
i like the option of being able to choose wich captcha to use
(the images one is better at phones but it takes longer to load, the numbers/letters is better at lap tops)


2:52pm Sep 22 2021

Normal User

Posts: 105
It would be nice to have the option of either

2:50pm Mar 29 2022

Normal User

Posts: 68
I agree, the new captcha is so time consuming, it's hard to use the shops sometimes :'(


1:48pm Apr 9 2022


Posts: 2,155
The old captcha definitely won't be coming back as it was excluding users who have vision challenges. 

Perhaps there is something better out there than the one Google is providing, though? Anyone have any examples?

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
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