Save the Leverene: A Plea/ Petition

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11:40am Nov 15 2010 (last edited on 11:41am Nov 15 2010)

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Posts: 271

Alright, I know a revamp has got to be coming soon, so before anything is put in cement I want to bring this to the surface.

Please, please, please do not change the leverene's characteristics drastically from the original version. A lot of revamps nowadays seem to be quite extreme for no apparent reason. The Iluvu, the Zaphao, the Paor -they're not just better versions of the old designs, they're a completely different species. I'd feel a cold lump in my gut if I saw the leverene turn into a completely different animal.

What ever you do KEEP THE LEVERENE A RABBIT. Not a hybrid. Not some muscular mutant. Not some overly-cutesy cartoon with lifeless eyes. Please keep it in the lagomorph family. Engage in some anatomical studies of rabbits, their bone structure, understand the way they are composed (ie, no feline or canine bodies) .

Balet actually did an amazing fan revamp of the leverene a while back in case anyone missed it:



Something like that would be FABULOUS. Notice the attention to anatomical detail while still keeping true to the original design? And it is brimming with character while not being overly stylized. I know it's easy to get carried away with new ideas when you're working on a project, but please keep the Leverene a true lagomorph.


6:58pm Nov 15 2010

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Posts: 1,003
thats an epic rabbit :D


7:06pm Nov 15 2010

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Posts: 2,088
Yes please! My sis would freak if they turned un-lagomorph. :c


8:40pm Nov 15 2010

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Posts: 556

Ah, I was looking for that leverene the other day but I couldn't find it.

I would love if Balet would just do the leverene revamp. I love the life in that drawing. I feel like I could pick that hare up and it would wiggle around. It looks like it can actually exist because of its anatomy even with the fantasy tendrils.


10:04pm Nov 15 2010

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Posts: 271

Huh. Methinks that it is possible someone elsewhere in the game may have taken the purpose of this thread conveniently out of context, but I won't bother with it since that wasn't the message I was trying to get across anyway.

At any rate this shouldn't be a big issue. It's a simple concept -the leverene needs to stay something that resembles a proper rabbit.


11:19pm Nov 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 144
I support... I love the leverene the way it is really, but it's just the style of the current drawings of the leverene that bother me. Other than that, it really shouldn't change much at all, as far as anatomy/markings go. 



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12:48am Nov 16 2010

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Posts: 12,418

I love Leverenes! I don't want a revamp of it.

(Banner made by Kina)

1:41am Nov 16 2010

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Posts: 271
Although I think it's great the way it is, the art is definitely no longer up to par with the standards that Res has reached and I can guarantee you it will be in for a revamp sooner or later.


6:18am Nov 16 2010

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Posts: 502
Support o_o


7:58am Nov 16 2010 (last edited on 8:10am Nov 16 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 437

There was a topic about the Valabex, before the Valabex revamp. I posted in it because I loved the old Valabex.
We just got a post from someone from staff that said they know what pets need what revamp, and the current one has anatomy flaws blah blah...

And then they turned the Valabex into a goat :/.
I didn't want to prevent the revamp, I just wanted my Valabex have the old characteristics like the braided horn. There was absolutely no reason to change that.
But the staff didn't care and I accepted the new look as it is.

And if now they come and take THIS topic into any more consideration than ours (Valabex lovers) I will be quite upset :/.
I hope no-one here takes this as an offense, but yeah.


8:30am Nov 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 21
I give support for this idea, but like Yaizhbeen said, there was thread on the Valabex that was basically the same you're doing here. I would like for this idea to be considered because you are right that almost all the revamps turned the creatu into a completely different speices. But the idea might be shot-down.

"Rather be dead than cool." - Kurt Cobain

10:50am Nov 16 2010 (last edited on 11:13am Nov 16 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 271

It's not an unreasonable request. It would actually take a great deal of concentrated effort to destroy the Leverene.

With all due respect, the Valabex stayed within its same order. With rabbits however there are only three animals that are in the Lagomorph order -rabbits, hares, and pikas. Waving off the notion that Res would turn the Leverene into a pika, the only choices they have left are two animals that essentially look alike, and given that the name of the creatu is 'Leverene' (in reference to 'Leveret' -a rabbit) it would be counter intuitive for them to take the reference animal from another species.

In a word, the concern here is not that the leverene would be re-designed to resemble something else. The concern is over the potential for over-stylization, hybridization, and/ or not referring to rabbit anatomy at all.

As an aside, I don't see what the point is of coming in here only to complain about the valabex short of having the intent to try and discredit the notion of saving the Leverene. If that is the case it would be appreciated if you voiced your opinions elsewhere. This thread isn't the place for nursing grudges.


11:13am Nov 16 2010 (last edited on 11:14am Nov 16 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 437
I doubt that the Leverene would resemble anything else but a rabbit if redrawn o_0. (Other than the details, like the tail, that is not rabbit-like even now).
The zaphao and paor you mention above were not based so much on real life animals, but the ones that were, usually are not changed so drastically. Leverene is so much a rabbit, that I doubt the artist who does the revamp would start with any other base than a rabbit.

And yes, the Valabex remained in the same order, still, I would like to know why the long and elegantly curved horn became short and thick? Why was the braided pattern replaced with spiral? It was not an anatomy flaw, as there is no such thing as "correct horn anatomy" as the length and shape and pattern of horns can be practically anything imaginable :/.

But if you are not so worried about things like the lenght of the ears or fur pattern, I think you do not have to worry about the Leverene ^^.


11:19am Nov 16 2010

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Posts: 271
Again it's not the species I'm worried about, it's the potential for over-stylization and either not paying attention to the basic anatomy or purposefully abstracting it (ie, a canine or feline body).

There was a picture -I wish I could find it- of a leverene in the Trick Or Treat event with the werewolf costume NPC. That is a prime example of what the Leverene should NOT be.


11:34am Nov 16 2010 (last edited on 11:44am Nov 16 2010)

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Posts: 437

I don't know, I didn't take part in ToT...
But anyway, most pets accompanying NPCs are a bit stiff looking (although original). The shopkeepers pets are like that too, all of them a bit less natural looking than the original species. But that doesn't mean the species' revamp will be like that. The revamp has no time limit either (while the werewolf character had to be finished by Halloween) so I am sure the artists can do their best^^.

EDIT: Actually if you compare the toy shopkeeper's veram, and the squishy shopkeeper's kayoki, they have the same base. Puppy like body, raised tail, approximately the same position. I think that is because Patrick plans to add pets to HAs, but it is too much work to do them all in all age forms, so they got a bit shematic, with just the most important characteristics kept. That way it is easier to add them to the HA, and maybe add collars, etc. in the future.
I doubt that will affect the redesign of the original pets in any way though^^.


6:29pm Nov 16 2010

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Posts: 9,641
I feel like the leverene really shouldn't be cute-ified. It completely takes away from the fierceness the Res creatures seem to hold. The valabex used to look like a wise old...ungulate. Now it looks like a cuddly plush toy. I'm not against the revamp completely, but as Yaiz mentioned they did remove quite a few of its characteristics.

So I vote for no stuffed toy-like leverenes, but a new one similar to the one we have now, only..revamped. I sincerely thought a revamp was supposed to mean taking the old creatu and fixing up its flaws...that's it. Not changing the species. Sorry if this offends new valabex lovers, by the way.



7:02pm Nov 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,003
what about the drindrin? its need of a revamp :/

btw support


7:29pm Nov 16 2010 (last edited on 7:33pm Nov 16 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 271

I'm sure they'll do the Drindian. I just had to create a thread for the leverene before it was too late. It's kind of an obligation on my part.

I don't mean to offend people who like a certain pet, but I honestly don't care about what the rest of the pets look like anymore. They could redraw them all in crayon and all I could do is shake my head.

 Just keep the Leverene kosher.


7:37pm Nov 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,003
though im not a rabbit nut, i understand the angel your coming from, i kind of like lev. how it is right now too


9:16pm Nov 16 2010

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Posts: 1,015
Apparently i don't really mind revamps whether they're good or not. :D Just adds something new to res life. :)
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