I don't think anyone is arguing that Kirara isn't a great artist- She is.
That being said, I will have to side with Trigun on this one.
Yes, it might be a petsite, and sure, maybe rabbits aren't her life...
But that doesn't mean that the leverene should have a cat head, which it does. Res has plenty of feline creatu. Want a cat? Get an otachie. Or an Iluvu. Hell, even a Zaphao.
Lets take a look at the Uilus....it's intended to look like an owl, right? And does it? Yeah, it does get that across pretty well. Why? The head, for the most part. It's believeably owl-like, even if the body is that of some other animal and obviously not an owl.
I'm not even going to change the head shape since I can't change that much of an imagine and still have it look normal, but I will change one small feature: The beak.
I gave it (very poorly) a more cat-like mouth. Does it still resemble an owl?
I'm not saying the leverene needs to look exactly to-the-teeth a rabbit, but having the head of (at least remotely) would improve the leverene immensely. At this point all I can really see is a body of a whatever it is(which I like, actually) with a cat head and tossed on rabbit ears. You do NOT have to be some crazy-off-the-top biology major to know what a rabbit head looks like. Despite my name, I don't actually like rabbits/bunnys that much, and I sure as hell have never taken the time to study their anatomy. Still, I can see that this is NOT the head of a rabbit. In fact, all I had to do was look at a few pictures of rabbits to get a general sense of what their head looked like.

See it now? All I did was change the ears, add some whiskers, and for fun, I added in some teeth.
I looked at the photo of the rabbit in the post above and, from memory just seeing it once, attempted to make that general head shape.

Now, obviously, I'm not the best at drawing pet site animals or I would have applied for staff, but even just looking at a rabbit ONCE for a few seconds, I think I kit a little closer to home than a cat head. Maybe not very well, but I tried. I still have a bit of a cat-like mouth left, and it's not exactly like a rabbit, but imo it fits a lot better than a cat head does. This is just from spending a few measly seconds looking at a photo of a live rabbit. So, tell me, do you really need to be a biology major or specialize in drawing rabbits to mimic a rabbit-like head? I'm not even asking for an EXACT rabbit head. I just thought something a bit more rabbit-LIKE would have done wonders to this revamp.
Honestly, I dunno why people are complaining about the tentacles. They had them before, and I think they look quite good now. The leverene is supposed to be an alien creatu anyways...but, my problem is the head. And I don't think it's too cartoonish. This is a pet site, after all. This isn't, however, a petsite aimed at 2-year-olds who cannot tell the difference between a cat head and a rabbit head. I think this is quite obviously a cat head.
There is a difference between believable fantasy, and just fantasy. I would like to have a creatu which is supposed to be a herbivore, have a head that is biologically made for eating plants, not meat.
We may not be able to change this revamp, but I would like to think that showing our ideas on this matter will help the artists in the future know what they may want to do in other revamps. There is simply no excuse for putting a cat head on something that IS meant to be a rabbit. Yes, this may be a pet site, and this may be fantasy, but neither of those are valid excuses.
If I draw a cat, but give it a fishes head, I wouldn't just brush it off and say "Well, it's fantasy, and this is a pet site anyways, so it's a cat still, ok?" Because that's exactly what happened here, only with a cat and a rabbit. "It's just a pet site" isn't an excuse.
Just to be clear, I like everything about this revamp other than the head. I think the rest looks fantastic. I think kirara did a great job with the color schemes and a fantastic job with shading. Certainly much better than I would have. I think Kirara is an excellent artist herself, and have absolutely -NOTHING- against her personally. I like her, actually. My problem is absolutely NOT with the artists, I don't think anyone has a problem with the artists themselves, I think they are all wonderful, and I do appreciate the time they take out of their own lives to provide wonderful, updated art for us all. I really do appreciate it.
I do, however, think that as a member of this pet site, I am entitled to voice my opinions on these matters. I put my own time into this game, and many also do the same, some even support it with real, hard-earned money, (or possibly their mothers credit card. p: Either way) and in a way, by visiting res every day ->without my adblock on<-, I am supporting it too. I think that the more your community voices their opinions and suggestions, the better the staff will know how to handle situations in the future, making res a happier place. :3 I know you can't possibly please everyone, but you can try.