9:20am Jan 22 2011
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Posts: 3,950
I don't like the new Leverenes as much as the old ones. :'( They didn't need a revamp!
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:16pm Jan 22 2011
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Posts: 1,369
I disagree...they did need a revamp, they just didn't need a redesign. For the most part, the artist did a pretty good job in keeping the leverene looking like it's old counterpart. The only really noticeable difference is the head.
8:16pm Jan 22 2011
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Posts: 1,864
I read your post, Foo, and can agree. However, just as a side thing, I'll say this: I like your cat-version better xD I mean, not as a Leverene, but its pretty damn adorable.
2:16am Jan 23 2011
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Posts: 271
Foo, your post needs to be made into a blog. It's a work of art.
10:35am Jan 23 2011
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Posts: 1,369
lul. :V I'd be ashamed to show that edited Uilus anywhere else. ;( It's mouth is even pointing the wrong way rofl.
4:25pm Jan 23 2011
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Posts: 3,426
I see cat-like qualities, but, and maybe it's just me, I still think it can p*censored* for a rabbit. Like I said, the muzzle is a bit short, but it doesn't seem as big of an issue as everyone is making it out to believe. To be honest, I think the complaining has gone a bit out of line and it's taking a lot longer for everyone to settle down about the revamp because of it. Trigun, you're starting to take on a very sarcastic attitude and to someone like me who's never know you, you sound like your whining like a 8 year old behind educated writing. You've voiced your opinion about the matter. It was respectable until the sarcasm came. Now you have to accept that there's nothing you can do about the matter. Staff may consider your opinions, but nothing will be done about the revamp until the next one comes along. You lose dignity the more you act immature and you're argument loses ground. This is only my opinion on the matter, but this whole ordeal has started to become a pointless whine-fest going nowhere.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:25pm Jan 23 2011
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Posts: 373
Amen Loki. Foo's post is perfect, but the way this revamp has been recieved is just plain ridiculous.
4:59am Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 556
I don't think everyone has been treated fairly. The sarcasm has been coming from both sides of the argument, from both fronts, staff and regular members. And this is probably the reason this particular revamp has escalated. So I see it as something deeper than an issue with the art, rather than just a "whine fest". Granted there have been some not so helpful comments like "I want the old one back" but there was a ton of legitimate critique. I think the actual issue is how we are interacting with each other AND what makes art fall into certain levels of quality.
6:59am Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 3,426
My question is who started it? And in any case, just because staff are acting like immature fools, that gives us to right to act as such? It would have had a bigger impact on staff's image if the users had maintained a mature front about the matter. Few people are focusing on staff's sarcasm now because ordeals like this are covering it up. If there is a problem with staff, everyone's focusing somewhere else. I admit that I briefly looked through the comments. There were some good critiques. Then again, aren't there always? The bad and the good comments from the whiny users and the ones who want to make things better. What provoked this particular even of having the problem escalate is beyond me. I don't have the entire story, and I will readily admit I'm not aware of everything. What I am aware of is the immaturity on the users front. I think I can say that this is the main reason why users like me are forgetting the staff's sarcasm. I read the comments from the beginning, the more I think about it the more I distinctly remember someone calling out staff sarcasm. I'm not trying to pardon or attack any group. But the users have gotten out of control on this issue, whether they were treated fairly or not. If they have a problem with staff, they should focus on that instead of griping about a revamp that will not be fixed until it's ready to be done again. Also, if my thoughts are a little jumbled it's because I have a minute to get ready for school. I was rushing to write this while it was still fresh in my mind.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:26am Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 487
Support! Not saying the artist did a bad job on the new one. I just liked the previous design better :)
7:09pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 556
I don't think the staff's sarcasm should be forgotten, because they are staff and should be more professional than the user base.
7:21pm Jan 24 2011
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Posts: 3,426
I'm not saying they should either. I'm saying that with all the fuss the users are making about nothing, it's harder to focus on the staff's sarcasm. All the attention is going towards the whining and very little of it is going to the staff. If people really want to make a difference, they need to stop whining and focus on the staff.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
7:59pm Jan 24 2011
Posts: 2,155
I don't see any staff posts in this thread before now...what did I miss? Also, why should staff not be allowed to be sarcastic about something? Sarcasm isn't against the rules. Staff are human just like users. We're also players of the game. Professionalism has its place, but this is not merely a job to us...we are players and are entitled to speak our minds within the rules.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
8:02pm Jan 24 2011 (last edited on 8:06pm Jan 24 2011)
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Posts: 130
Rescreatu staff knows that certain players are upset and feel as though their points have been missed. We are interested in resolving the issue, but not a single example of unprovoked 'sarcasm' or 'mockery' has been reported so far. We have requested examples, but all we get in return are vague statements about 'sarcasm' and 'mockery' being readily available around the website.
Please support your accusations as they are quite serious; not only do they reflect poorly on staff, but they are destructive to this community. We are not ignoring the issue; we are simply looking for clarity and some evidence of the offensive behaviour.
3:07am Jan 25 2011 (last edited on 3:48am Jan 25 2011)
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Posts: 271
Woa wait, where was I ever sarcastic on the issue of the Leverene revamp? On top of that for some reason people are taking two completely different issues and combining them into one in this thread, which I do not appreciate. Graveyard, you have taken this thread and turned it completely off-topic. There are two SEPARATE issues and they are not related to each other: 1. The inter-player discussion of the leverene design itself, which was started here months ago. 2. My recent *censored*ertion via one of my blog posts that some of the Res staff and playerbase often runs amok with snide comments towards valid critique, and that a general attitude of resentment towards anyone openly speaking out against a design is encouraged. This thread is for creative discussion of the artistic aspects of the leverene design ONLY. Graveyard, Gun, Zebes, and 14broken are kindly asked to take any discussion of issue #2 to the blogs where the discussion originated. Just because I stopped responding in those blogs doesn't mean you have the right to har*censored* me about it here. I stopped responding to those blogs for a reason, and that is because I don't care to address it anymore. If you want to take the issue up with me that badly please rmail me about it and refrain from hijacking my forum posts. I am kindly asking anyone discussing issue #2 to copypasta the posts you made here, redirect them to their appropriate place, and delete the original comment here. Issue #2 has no place in this thread.

3:33am Jan 25 2011 (last edited on 3:35am Jan 25 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 130
No one is haras.sing you. My comment was directed to those posting on this thread in general. I didn't think it was a crazy place to post considering the thread regards discussion and critique of the Leverene design. Issue two is closely related to this subject; however, it's your thread, not mine, and I will respect your wishes.
Public accusations against staff, when not followed up or supported, are tantamount to haras.sment. I'm sure you can understand why we'd be eager to clear those claims up.
Nonetheless, I do apologise for derailing your thread and this will be my last post here.
3:53am Jan 25 2011 (last edited on 4:02am Jan 25 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 271
They're actually not that related at all. It's not a new issue and I could have just as easily brought that subject up after any other revamp - and I'm kind of regretting bringing it up now. Foolish move on my part to think that people would view my claims in an impartial light immediately following a revamp of the leverene. I can see where unexplained accusations would be aggrovating Gun. Though I resent pushing a point I know is pointless, I'll rmail you at some point in the near future. Again, copypasta + delete of those comments from this thread would be greatly appreciated.
12:40pm Jan 26 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 108
support! i think the new one looks like an alien a little not like a rabbit which is what i think the old one looked like.