Shop Basket

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5:16pm Jun 21 2021

Normal User

Posts: 34
The concept of a "Shop Basket" would consist on implementing a sort of holding area where you can pick up items in an NPC shop and buy them in bulk.

The purpose of this concept would be to minimize the appearance of captcha, which has improved tremendously, yet is still a mechanic that makes restocking Merchant Shops tedious. It would also make buying food an easier process, especially for players that prefer to buy in bulk.

I believe Lioden and FR have this mechanic, where you can pick out the items and once you want to purchase, you can just fill out the captcha for all of them. 


12:57pm Jun 23 2021

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
I also like this idea, or something very similar! buying food, stocking up on activity items (squishies), and things like that would be a lot easier. not sure what it might do to the economics though


8:07am Jun 25 2021

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
...I don't think FR has this mechanic.

No support, not right now.
Shop stock refreshes every 10 minutes, so it'd have to take into account that and if players buy out an item before you are able to. With the current shoo revamp, I can't see something like this happening for a while.

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