Shop stock during events

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2:43pm Jan 11 2020


Posts: 2,155
Events shouldn't be aggravating or stressful, they should be fun. I've been stalking the shops for sugar and milk and sometimes nothing even stocks at all for an hour, much less the needed ingredients.

I propose that during events that require shop ingredients, that shop will stock the ingredients at least every other restock, and in a high enough number that it doesn't end up being pay to win. Let the random event item be the one thing that's a bit difficult to come by, not all the ingredients though.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

3:30pm Jan 11 2020

Normal User

Posts: 534
Agreed. Event Idea is cool but the mechanics could be better.

3:32pm Jan 11 2020

Normal User

Posts: 368
Totally agree;w;


3:34pm Jan 11 2020

Normal User

Posts: 70
I agree. It's totally okay that you have to work for event items, and you have to try your best, but this is very stressful, and with the items stocking so little, all the time and energy you put into it doesn't really get rewarded. It feels out of balance.

Deathea. Derathea. Kidakida. Arugaru.

Slytherin // Thunderbird // Drenchen // Dauntless // Fire Nation // Instinct // Reiflem


5:09pm Jan 11 2020


Posts: 394
Generally event items stock up to a 50 count max and are set at the most common restock value. I understand that still doesn't guarantee a restock. I think it is worth consideration in guaranteeing a restock frequency for event items and its actually something I did look into for this event but the mechanics for that aren't yet built in.

Will keep this all in mind going forward.

5:11pm Jan 11 2020


Posts: 2,155
Thanks so much for taking it under consideration!

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

4:42am Jan 12 2020

Normal User

Posts: 70
Thumbs up, Patrick!

Deathea. Derathea. Kidakida. Arugaru.

Slytherin // Thunderbird // Drenchen // Dauntless // Fire Nation // Instinct // Reiflem

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