Shout box suggestions

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5:38pm Jul 22 2018

Normal User

Posts: 2,315

Time Stamps
Obviously to Rescreatu time.

Ideas on how to implement:

Hover over the message/username
Have it before or after a message
Have the shoutbox announce the time every half hour or so (would also help with advertisers)


The ability to @ (or mention) a user who is online would be very useful. Something that would alert them (perhaps similar to a found tu alert. Could be turned on and off individually if a user did not want to be pinged.


4:08pm Aug 6 2018

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
I believe mentions were implemented before and were either abused or Pat didn't like them or something? In any case, they just didn't work out.

Pings for forum threads would be GREAT but the forum coding is a whole other can of worms.

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