5:17pm Nov 23 2012 (last edited on 5:47pm Nov 23 2012)
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Posts: 635
There have been SO many debates over the idea of clearing old accounts. Of course, banned accounts get cleared occasionally, so people are wondering about the account that have been inactive for years.. Let me be clear: THIS is not a suggestion to clear/delete any inactive accounts.
I'm not sure there will ever be a solution to those wanting that suggestion.
Together the shoutbox has created a new idea that may help future Res generations. A user should have the CHOICE to delete their account. At first i wanted just a simple button, But i think the better idea would to be rmail/ support ticket a Support Staff member to have their account deleted. And THEN have an email confirmation of this decision. For safety of the users account.
Some users were worried about a hack and them putting in a request for an account delete. This is why i suggest the Rmail/Support ticket confirmation AND Email confirmation. Please Note: You can contact Rescreatu even if you don't have an account for any inquiries about an account deletion. "Deleting" an account should possibly be treated as a "Ban"
There are many users who will say "I'm quitting.. for now" But there are some users who really just want their account deleted, and there is nothing they can really do except sign out and let everything rot.
I would like to see other's opinions on THIS suggestion. But, please.. refrain from talking about the clearing of older accounts. This would only add an option to the user. Also, be open minded. I love to see your suggestions and i am glad to debate and come together on something, But NO bashing, or i will just request this thread to be deleted. Thank you for your time and consideration <3
TheSituation. You are my co-captain on this journey. So show your support >O
On a major quest for Omnis. Kthnx
5:48pm Nov 23 2012 (last edited on 5:48pm Nov 23 2012)
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Posts: 284
Girl, you already know you have my support on this ;D This idea was our baby >o
6:01pm Nov 23 2012
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Posts: 3,426
I disagree with allowing accounts to be deleted for four reasons.
One) people can be morons. They can cause a crap ton of drama then be "I'm leaving and deleting my account. >:C" and cause more drama. (People do it on Facebook, it'll happen here.) When later they don't really mean it and whine and moan about whatever thing they had on their account that they never really wanted to be deleted with them and now want back and pity party, anyone?
Two) Some might use it as a free name change. If you have anything valuable, just send it to a friend, delete your account, rejoin with a name you want, get your friend to send it back. Others might just want a name change in general and figure they don't have anything worth anything anyways.
Three) Some might use it as a plot to get more free stuff. Users on Res are nice. Most give newbies free stuff. And some people might even think it brings new, different attention. There's always going to be those attention seekers and it's already hard enough to tell who's legitimately new and who was just banned for being stupid.
Four) They could use it to escape Staff punishment. Two strikes on your account and thinking you're going to get a third? Delete your account, lay low for a while, sign up again, and act new. Users could evade IP bans for things like trolling or harassment much easier and it'd be more work on staff to figure out "okay, this is a person returning from a deleted account, they should keep the strikes."
HypnoxSpazz 5evr
7:24pm Nov 23 2012
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Posts: 284
Well all those reasons are legit, Loki, but all can be avoided by Staff confirmation. That's why Wishies brought up the idea that you would have to get Staff to verify the the Delete and then confirm it themselves.
8:41pm Nov 23 2012
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Posts: 3,426
But what will Staff confirmation ACTUALLY do? It's not like Staff is all-knowing and can know exactly what you're planning to do after you delete your account.
Ultimately because deleting accounts can be used for name changing, which is a CS item and gives an unfair condition to who could change their name for free, this will likely not happen.
Plus, like Staff says now. If you don't want to be here: abandon your account. It's a really simple solution and there's really no reason to put more work on Staff.
HypnoxSpazz 5evr
1:31am Nov 24 2012
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Posts: 635
I think if we're going to focus on them using it to replace a CS item, then we should also think of a way to fix the graveyard so people don't use that to abuse the Name Tag CS item. Also, Yes we can say, just abandon your account. But, that is the point of this thread, is to attempt to come up with another solution.
Do you have any ideas Loki? Other than not supporting this one?
On a major quest for Omnis. Kthnx
4:36am Nov 24 2012
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I'm sure Staff is figuring out how to fix that, but that's a different issue all together and doesn't mean we should create two anti-CS methods just because we already have one.
I don't feel like it's necessary to come up with another idea when the method we have is fine. If you don't want to stick around, that's fine. If you end up wanting to come back some time later, your account is here for you.
Many users who thought they were never coming back when they left Res would have probably deleted their accounts, then later wanted to pop back in but then they'd have to create a new account and there wouldn't be that familiar username that people would recognize them by so what would be the point?
The ability to delete your account could end up as a deterrent to users returning.
I can list more reasons against but I would need some clarity on the actual method. Are you talking about the account actually being deleted from the database, or are you talking about the ability to request a permanent ban? I saw something mentioned about it being treated as a ban.
HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:25am Nov 24 2012
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Posts: 635
The shoutbox agree that it should be used as a ban, when we had came together on this idea.
Every site i have been on has removed your account after inactivity. there is always a time limit, such as 6 months, 1 year. Of course we could just do that where if you are inactive for 2 years your account gets deleted and you could get a warning via email if you want to come on keep it. But there were users against that on that shoutbox, so we came to terms with this.
The reasoning is so we don't have 8 billion accounts in the system that are completely unused. Creatu that are never going to be used again on the account. Items that are stuck in an account, etc.
If those things don't matter, then why do we take the time now to remove / clear the banned accounts now? If a user actually leaves for years and had given away all their stuff, etc. (Like requesting a delete) and really plans on leaving. and then comes back and decides they want to start anew, what would be the difference from just having to create a new account?
On a major quest for Omnis. Kthnx
10:45am Nov 24 2012 (last edited on 10:47am Nov 24 2012)
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Posts: 284
Also, to be frank, I am sick of people leaving and keeping all their Items/Names on their accounts for no one to EVER have a chance to have. As Wish and I said, I don't think past inactive accounts will ever be cleared...BUT I like the idea of preventing that crap in the future.
People who have ample chance of Names and clearings and such are also good for the economy. Because then, great Names are not solely owned by users who wont sell their Names or stuck on inactive accounts. It keeps Tu circulating and when there are a lot more great Names moving around (because they are passed on to later generations through clearings) it makes people a little more willing to sell their Names. I feel like part of the reason most people are so stingy with their Names is because they know that awesome Names on active accounts are becoming more scarce.
10:08pm Nov 24 2012
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Posts: 4,749
Here are my thoughts on this: CHeese is currently searching for my favorite name in the world, May. It is also a month, and a adverb thingy (not sure what type of speech it is). This name would likely be one of the first ones taken at the beginning of Res.
Because I am a noob, I have to accept the fact that my greatest ambition, to gain that name and tag it to an achro tesuri, can probably never be realized because frankly, I bet it is on an inactive account. It isn't at all fair to us, the noobs, who end up being Res tycoons (which I plan on being), to not be able to reach our goals because those accounts are inactive. There are tons of people, I am sure, on Res who really want their dream name, and cannot get it because the account is inactive. I'm not saying May is on an inactive account. It might be owned by the most active user there is, but that is just an example. It's very discouraging, and not very fun, which is the point of this site. A possible deletion of accounts would allow names like that to be back in circulation.
I'm not saying there isn't anything bad in this idea, but people, if they want to pop back in just to use the sb, should keep their accounts and think ahead. As for people saying they were just kidding and being but heads, you can just ignore them and it is their choice. It is never Res's fault you delete your account. Completely yours.
As for using it as a name change, I think staff could figure something like that out. If they send all their pets/items to one person, and that person then sends a bino omni and other assorted items to some random noob, well, it is kind of a clue. Plus, not many people would do that. You have to think of how many people would actually do that. Nobody really would, you can't just assume that everyone on Res would cheat and lie.
And, the method we have isn't fine. There are thousands of accounts that just sit there. Those could all be gone, poofed, but the current system we have doesn't allow it.
So, yeah. Those are my thought on this.
Hi there
9:11am Nov 26 2012 (last edited on 9:11am Nov 26 2012)
Posts: 2,155
There is one really big im portant thing to consider here: What if you were a paying customer on Res, spending a significant amount in the CS, supporting the site, buying things/names/pets to your little heart's content, then life happened, and you couldn't get on for X months, and you came back to see that *POOF* your account is GONE. That would be DEVASTATING, and it would mean the loss of an established, paying customer who helps keep the site going.
Even if you were NOT a regularly paying member...what if your computer burnt up, and you weren't able to get another before X months was up? What if you were not able to access your account from another computer due to losing access to your email, forgetting your password, not being able to verify your identity to have your email reset (etc etc)? What if you were in a car accident and went into a coma? Wouldn't you just be horrified if when you finally did return, your beloved collection of pets, whether it be names or colors, was simply GONE, along with everything else?
I get emails from old users every single week, users dating back to even as early as 2006, 2007, 2008, who would like to regain access to their accounts. It is always encouraging and absolutely great to have members return, and I love it that Res is fairly unique in that it does not do like other sites do and eliminate your account and the account contents.
The only inactive accounts that I would ever support being deleted would be those accounts that are empty, or are the spares of someone who was IP banned. Most of those are empty as well, or only have pets in the grave with no names.
I do not support self-deletion of accounts for reasons mentioned previously by Loki. I also do not support implementing a staff-approved method of deletion. Any user who is honestly feeling that they have outgrown the site and are leaving for good is going to either give away their pets and items and TU, or dump them into the forest and isthmus. There are a few, very, very few, who do abandon their account with everything locked up in it out of spite, and while I think that is extremely distasteful and childish, I also think that is their choice.
Also, many of the accounts that I have seen you guys mention as being inactive, they are actually NOT inactive. Their owners do log in periodically, showing that they do have an interest in the site and keeping their content. They are not obligated to answer or even read your rmails about pets they own. Several of them simply delete the rmails without even reading as they are not interested in what has to be said. Again, that is their choice.
All of these reasons I have mentioned, and many reasons against this that have been mentioned previously, is why this topic was added to the "not up for debate" post. I have modified the description in that section to be absolutely clear, since it was not as clear as it could have been before. This has been and will remain to be our position on inactive accounts though.
Banned/Inactive accounts Items, pets, tu, or anything else will not be put back into circulation from these accounts. Pets will be deleted from banned accounts after a significant period of time. Inactive accounts will not be touched in any way.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
1:48pm Nov 26 2012
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Posts: 1,326
On a similar topic, perhaps a little far off. I have always been puzzled as to why Ro's pets were moved to their profile and left to die since Ro is counted not as a banned, but rather an inactive account from what can be seen.
I dunno, just curious. Everyone else was just 'lol your fault for not grave stalking because you thought inactives would not be cleared like this ahahaha look at all the cool names I got'.
If this is somehow a sensitive topic for whatever reason just blue my post or something, yea. Thanks.
4:59pm Nov 26 2012
Posts: 2,155
There were quite a few users who abused the glitch where you could stock more pets than your rancher shop was able to hold, and those were emptied out onto profiles when that glitch was fixed. It wasn't just her, it was a bunch of people...her names were probably just the most memorable is all.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
1:25am Nov 27 2012
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Posts: 1,326
Oh. Thanks for the clarification then. * v *
10:16am Nov 29 2012
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Posts: 4,893
from a personal viewpoint:
Of all people, I should know that a person's judgment isn't right all the time. (heck, I wanted to delete my account and I'm very glad that there's no option to) One does not simply ragequit forever. It's really simple to log off, take a breather for as long as you want then come back.
If you put a time limit on being inactive, don't you think the site would seem a little bit insensitive? Forceful and threatening even. Like the site muahahah'd at you, dangling your valued pets/items from a rope that's lowering into a shark tank. Yes, things like what villains would do.
(which is why I support the last online/seen option so people won't assume)
i’m such a gamer uwu