Showroom history

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6:12am Dec 16 2020

Normal User

Posts: 141
This idea stems from my own failing to keep my pets alive. I lost a creatu after a bit of an unplanned break and came back to find her dead and nameless, may she rest in peace. Now I can't remember her name. 
I was thinking that having a history of all the pets that have been in my showroom would have come in handy here. It would look just like the creatu log found in rancher shops which shows the creatu name, color and species as well as when it was sold and for what price. The rancher shop version would log the name, species and color as well as the date it was added to and/or removed from the showroom. 


11:37am Dec 17 2020

Normal User

Posts: 105
Showroom pets don't starve or die, they remain there until you move them. do you mean profile pets?

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