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10:13pm Jan 1 2021

Normal User

Posts: 557
The main reason why im not doing shrine to get shrine eggs anymore is because it is simply too time consuming and tedious. It would be easier for players if there is a bulk option to sacrifice all the items that you have at one shot. Without the trouble of clicking for 300 times or so to get each blessing because of only 30points items. This would greatly improve the convenience of players and help us to get the blessings and shrine eggs that we want.


11:04pm Jan 6 2021


Posts: 910
I don't support this one :( I think a bulk add option would make the eggs and effects too easy to get. I think the point of the shrines is to be time consuming and tedious- it makes the rewards of blessing effects and shrine eggs more valuable. I'd hate to see them basically become worthless.


11:40am Jan 10 2021


Posts: 394
I'm hesitant to allow bulk shrining as well for many of the reasons Shark mentioned above. I am open to continued discussion around it though.

I think something else we can do to alleviate some of the tedious nature of the feature without introducing bulk hand-ins is simply by improving the UI.
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