So that the Enchanted Springs make more sense...

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2:38pm Jun 8 2009 (last edited on 11:23pm Jun 8 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 24

Maybe I've been playing too much Phoenix Wright, but I noticed something contradictory about the Enchanted Springs.

The deion of the Springs states that "You come upon a spring surrounded by earth and surprisingly healthy looking plants. Even the local animals look very healthy and happy."

However, if your pet swims in the Springs, they always lose a portion of their remaining health.  The only time where they're healed is if they have a negative amount of health (in which case it actually says that they lose a negative amount of health) and even then it's not enough to bring the health into positive numbers; I don't think it's even brought up to 0.

Why then are the plants and animals so healthy if the Springs only take health away?


I suggest that a chance to heal your pet be added.  Not to be healed all the way, of course, just a percentage of either your removed health or you total health (probably the former so that healing works the similarly to hurting).  Besides, it can either give or take TU, so why not health as well?


Also, the Scria Care Center is down at the moment, so I suppose the Springs healing could be like a bit of a backup care center.  But since you can only use the Springs once per day and the chance if healing would be fairly low (and you couldn't get a full heal unless you were close to full health anyway) it wouldn't replace the Care Center altogether.

Who cares if it is not anthro? Creatu RPers, check this out, please!

8:43pm Jun 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 183
good point


10:46pm Jun 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,220
Kind of agree...

By Me
I'm Feline♥
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