Kuro bits: A bit of Kuro in every bite, comes in Kayce flavor!
Tuft of Ebilia fur: Can only be gained when an ebilia ages naturally and even so very rarely. A growing ebilia will give it's owner some of it's discarded fur. This fur is very treasured and can be used in making the finest of clothes. But a rancher or merchant who's found there selves in possession of this rare item may use it in a different way. Using the heat of Reiflem it can actually speed up the incubation time of eggs! Although it does lessen the chance of a colored pet, impatient ranchers and merchants can now incubate eggs faster.
Double Ended Easero Feather: A very rare, almost invaluable item. The Double Ended Easero Feather is the result of an easero's feather growing out both ways. This only happens to a few easero that exist and they are usually lost when the Easero molt. But if you can get one consider yourself lucky for the feather has a special power. When on Scria it increases your luck to have random events (egg, squishies ect.)
More coming soon!