Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter seasonals.

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1:11am Dec 27 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135

Ah! Sounds amazin'!

Support from your local extinct bird! <3


10:06am Mar 24 2011 (last edited on 10:10am Mar 24 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,937

Think about it.

People would love to hunt the seasonal seasonals.

But thise new ones.. they would be available all over the year. Ofc different ones, depending on the season.

But.. who would want to hatch & raise thise so called "commons" anymore?

I think i would be one to have roditores, zennies and some other favourites for ever, but i know there's many users that would probably just hunt the seasonals. Old and new ones.

The commons would be left alone as unwanted. ;(

*my opinion*



EDIT: Such as while.. hmm.. you guys, know, hunting for iluvu eggs in reiflem?

We almost HATE otachies,right? How about.. if our.. now-so-lovable creatus would turn into that? ... Is that what we seriously want? ;(


10:52pm Mar 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,369

I love otachies. xD And most other year-round creatu.


Actually, I support this. It would give us a few more levels of "pet worth" instead of just "findables are worthless, seasonals(would have to be changed in mae to HOLIDAYS! xD) are expensive, and CS are UBER EXPENSIVE"


It would also probably raise the egg prices of year-round findable eggs as they wouldn't be hunted and picked up as much. Plus any SEASONAL seasonal based eggs would only be findable for 3 months at a time, which isn't really all that long. o3o  The common eggs would still be picked up and such, as not EVERYONE would stop picking them up just to pick up the new eggs...


12:53pm Apr 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 36
I agree with Foo. O.o

RAWR!!! That means I <3 you in dinosaur.

4:42pm Apr 4 2011 (last edited on 4:44pm Apr 4 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 2,088

Me too. :3 I always pick up my favourite eggs along the way when hunting for seasonals. ^^ Support.

Edit: Oh but just to point out, would it be the "official" starting and ending of seasons? It's also 3 months. So it would be March 21st to June 21st, June 21st to September 21st, September 21st to December 21st, and then December 21st to March 21st. Just thought I'd point that out, so it might not be March-May, etc. ;p

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