Staff Shouldn't be allowed to act on insider knowledge

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9:56pm Jul 29 2020

Normal User

Posts: 350
I'm not sure this thread will go anywhere, and I'm not sure how this would be monitored or enforced, but I don't think it's fair that the staff are allowed to get huge advantages in the game based on knowing about upcoming events and features in advance.

So, I've had a rancher shop filled with Reiflem elemental creatu for awhile. The creatu sat there and never really sold, but I wasn't too bothered by it, I'd get a sale, every now and then. Then about 3 days ago, my shop was completely bought out by staff members. I was extremely confused, but also kind of excited... until today, when the news dropped that you can trade in elemental creatu for the new seasonal creatu.

Then instead of feeling excited about this cool new feature, I just felt really gross, and sad. I don't think it's fair at all, that staff, knowing this feature was coming are allowed to stock up on elemental pets in advance, driving up the market prices and getting all the ones for sale before anyone else even knows that they're going to need them.

I have also noticed in the past that when events with leader boards come around, there's sometimes staff that jump up into the top of the list extremely quickly, almost like they knew in advance what items they'd need, and stock piled them. But I couldn't be sure that was happening, and I had no proof, so I didn't say anything.
This time though, there's a clear connection with my shop selling out of 19 pets, just 3 days before this announcement when some of them had been sitting in that shop, at that same price for months.

There are reasons that staff involved with lotteries aren't allowed to play the lottery, and why insider trader is illegal. It's simply not fair for people who have inside knowledge of something, to use that to their own advantage.

Maybe I'm the only one bothered by it, but I'm just suggesting that this type of behaviour not be allowed. Again, I'm not sure how it would be monitored or enforced, but it's really discouraging to realize this is happening.


11:56pm Jul 29 2020

Normal User

Posts: 105
I absolutely think it shouldn't be allowed either. At least leaderboard participation shouldn't be allowed for them. And that's super unfair for the elementals to be bought out so fast, driving up prices for the regular players. Staff are great, but don't they want regular players to want to play with the new stuff so we keep funneling money into the site?

5:57pm Jul 30 2020

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
I don’t disagree with you in the fact that staff shouldn’t be allowed to have advantages especially when it comes to events.
As you also said not sure how it would be enforced, maybe something like “Staff can’t buy things for events/new features until a day after it’s been released”
But I’ll also be honest in the fact that not all staff know the ins and outs of events/new features going on.
It’s normally just the people doing the events. Like admin and development. 
But I’ll also be honest that not even everyone in those departments know what’s going on.
I was confused about the potatoes and this current event/new feature as much as regular users were. Even to the point where I had screwed up trying to get a new egg.
I was wanting the new egg. But didn’t want to waste a candle on one egg. So I had a friend who had used a candle turn pets in for me.
However we were both confused as to how it all actually worked and it ended up with my friend giving the blessed creatu to the shrine instead of the quest thing. Resulting in losing the creatu and not getting an egg lol.

I do disagree with saying staff shouldn’t be allowed to participate in events period. Especially leaderboards. Because we do play the game just like everyone else plays the game ya know? It’s not like as staff members we never actually play res. 
And when it comes to leaderboards most of the time the items you hand in are items you’ve handed in years before. They’re the same items every year so people stock up on them. Not just staff. 

Tbh I always see regular users being very high up on the leaderboards not staff. It’s usually like the top 5 maybe even top 10 people are all regular users who just stocked up on the items or worked very hard to get there.

I’m not sure if most of this made sense but this is my input on the whole situation.
I’m sorry you felt robbed and or rubbed the wrong way because staff bought out all those creatu way before the feature was released. 
You weren’t given the opportunity to keep them and use them for yourself. 
I would be upset and mad too.
I’m sorry that happened to you :c


6:33pm Jul 30 2020


Posts: 211
Locking this forum and sending a personal rmail regarding this situation.
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