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3:53pm Oct 15 2017 (last edited on 3:54pm Oct 15 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 33
So I was wondering if Res would ever be open to a subbing service? Many sites I've been a part of have a monthly subbing of different price ranges. I am so down for subbing for sites I love, such as Res. Like, different amounts give different things like $5 gives 50CP a month plus 1 cs egg or $20 gives 200 cp and 2 cs eggs or something like that and maybe after being subbed for a certain number of months you could get a bonus amount of cp, like after 5 months subbing of $5 you get 100 cp instead of the normal 50cp as a one time bonus? Idk, I spend a lot of money on Res as it is and I'd be so excited to sub to it to get monthly items or cs eggs. 
However, I don't think that with the subbing users get a special ti
tle or anything such as "premium account." I always hated the status change of "premium account" But, since people, myself included, are spending money on cp (I do it at least once a week) a monthly thing would be awesome, and I feel would be a very positive thing for Res, and even if you wouldn't want to subscribe, you could still make that one time purchase of cp.


1:51am Oct 16 2017 (last edited on 2:06pm Oct 16 2017)


Posts: 3,217
There used to be something like this and to be honest I would quite like it to return. 
I think the rewards will have to be thought out very, very carefully though. 
Personally I think rewards such as HA items, Forum Avatars would be better than CS eggs, or subbing even grants you access to a special shop???

I don't know.

As a downside I don't how this'll effect the economy of Res, it's pretty messed up at the moment and I can't imagine this'll help 

That being said (swinging back to all the good points) I feel like there's too many chance items in the CS.  It's so disheartening dropping an amount of real life money to get nothing out of it.
This idea will reward you for funding the site with your hard earned money  


10:37am Oct 16 2017

Normal User

Posts: 33
I really like your idea of HA items or a special shop. Perhaps to help control inflation, maybe certain items received, or even those from the special shop, could be tied to the account somehow, like an item that can only be used from that single account? Unable to be traded, sold, or gifted?

Not many people would like that idea but then again, having restricted items could make people want to sub even more, make them want these items for themselves?

 I know Res is all about trading and TU circulation, though, so that may not be the best of ideas.

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