Suggestion : Gender Specific Creatu Appearances?

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3:00pm Mar 21 2018

Normal User

Posts: 99
I was thinking the other day.. or today and thought this may be something cool to implement. 

Basically, certain creatu (based off of the animal they're based off of) will look different if they're female or male.

A great example would be the Sirleon, females could have no 'mane' or very little, and the males could have 'manes'.

Just a small, simple suggestion, feel free to add on!


3:25am Mar 22 2018


Posts: 3,217


11:14pm Mar 22 2018

Normal User

Posts: 678
I think that would be cool! I support it! 

Sleepy Art by ZenSleepy Mira by Zen

Art by Zen

8:38pm Mar 23 2018

Normal User

Posts: 3,005
I remember coming up with this idea.
All I got was..
Boo,too much art..too much change.

No one liked my idea.

I'm going to support this though,
Because it is a good idea,still.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

1:54pm Mar 25 2018

Normal User

Posts: 99
Aw, I'm sorry MissHalloween! :c
Thank you all for support so far~


2:43am May 16 2018

Normal User

Posts: 10

When the Jews return to zion, and a comet fills the sky, when a Holy Roman Empire rises then you and I must die. From eternal seas he rises creating armies on either shore, turning man against his brother, till man exists no more.
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