4:22am Jun 29 2010
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thats what i ment XD
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4:51am Jun 29 2010
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But there are still some named creatu in the graveyard.
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4:10pm Jun 29 2010
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Support, i think we should have one date every year where all graveyard pets turn t dust and can't be revived! Then its a whole new start!
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Please Click, or He might die.. :(
8:14pm Jun 29 2010 (last edited on 8:15pm Jun 29 2010)
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I don't support. There are some instances where seeing the dead pets is important - like, for instance, Patrick's pet who used to be named Flare. He's the only Creatu with the shade color. I like looking for him once in a while, just for nostalgia's sake. However, I would agree if it was maybe an option to see or not see the dead pets. Then it accomodates for both convenience and silly people like me who like looking at dead Creatu.
I definitely disagree with having all the dead Creatu outright deleted once in a while. That would definitely bring some anger, especially with how unnecessary it is. Sometimes people rediscover the site after a looong time, like the user Adri. She had loads of rare pets that she'd earned fair and square, including one of the first albino Kioka. If dead pets were deleted, all of those beloved Creatu would be gone. I certainly wouldn't be too happy. There's also the fact that we have three species of Creatu that will never increase in number again. When they were first retired, a lot of people were upset because they thought that eventually, through people quitting and getting banned, the numbers of those Creatu would gradually dwindle into being so rare that no one could get them. The fact that these pets still stay on the site once they die, perfectly able to be revived, definitely eased people's minds about it.
9:13pm Jun 29 2010
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If you are using the search to look for dead pets who's names you'd like to use when available, you'll just have to put up with the blank names. Best way to do this is to order by name, then skip ahead past the unnamed ones. It doesn't take long if you manipulate the URL. If you are not looking specifically for dying names, all you need to do is refine your search by choosing a specific area to search in, which is not the graveyard. If you're looking for priced pets, set the beginning price to 1, and order the pets by price - pets will show up in search ordered from lowest priced to highest. The graveyard search is necessary because sometimes someone may have dozens and even hundreds of dead names in their grave, and using pet search to find a specific creatu in the grave is easier than clicking each pet in the grave one by one. It would be very unfair to remove the unnamed pets from the search for this reason.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
7:03am Jun 30 2010 (last edited on 7:21am Jul 24 2010)
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7:50pm Jun 30 2010
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Okay I think that you last three are misunderstanding what it is that I am suggesting. I am not saying to take out all pets that are in the graveyard merely just the ones that are named DEAD that waste hundreds of pages worth of space. All the dead pets that still have names would still be in the pet search. I know how to define my search. That is not and never has been the issue. When I search a name for someone I search by species in any location so that way it takes less time then searching through each location individually by species. I do it this way because the people that I am searching names for don't know where the name they want is located, so why waste extra time searching through each location one by one, when I am already having to search through each species one by one, when I can just search by species which will include EVERY location. Also, I DO take advantage of manipulating the URL but when I come to a species that has like 1500 pages to it I find it ridiculous that 1000 of them are taken up by unnamed dead creatu. If those 1000 pages were taken out then maybe name searchers could look though all, for example, Gondras that inhabit Res in one fail swoop rather then having to search through male Gondras then through female Gondras. Also, what is the point in searching for a pet in the pet search when all you will be able to do is see the owner, species, and color. You wont be able to actually SEE said pet so why search for them? Also, why have all those pages wasted with pets that most owners can't even resurrect because they were glitched into the graveyard in the first place? Taking out all the useless information would help me AND other name searchers tremendously in our hunt for peoples dream names. Also, if I was searching for myself then I wouldn't mind having to skip over the unnameds but seeing as how I am searching more than one name for other people it becomes a h*censored*le to have to skip over pages worth of unnamed creatu. Now, yoshirules, 14brokenmirrors, and cascadianlove do you have any other comments?
I'm a bee, I'm a bee, I'm a be-... I'm a wasp!
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9:12pm Jun 30 2010
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I support :3
9:28pm Jun 30 2010 (last edited on 9:33pm Jun 30 2010)
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Oh, I understand what you're suggesting. xD The first part of my post was addressing your idea; the second part was addressing Fantasy's idea, which I completely disagree with. And like Broken said, it is still useful to be able to see the nameless pets, especially for people who have tons of them and don't feel like clicking through every single link to see if they do have a certain kind of dead Creatu. Again though, I would agree with you if it was an option to see these pets or not.
12:38am Jul 1 2010
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Great Idea! It would make name searching much easier!
1:56am Jul 1 2010
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I'm a bee, I'm a bee, I'm a be-... I'm a wasp!
Selling names!
6:53am Jul 1 2010 (last edited on 7:22am Jul 24 2010)
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12:16am Jul 2 2010
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Okay so maybe you are STILL misunderstanding what I am saying. I am not asking for any dead pets to be 'deleted' from Res. Merely just for all of the unnamed pets that are in the graveyard to not show up in the pet search. "i mean seriously, those that are in the graveyards are DEAD. they've LOST THEIR NAMES. whats the point?" You took the words right out of my mouth. They are dead and they've lost their names so what IS the point of having them show up in the pet search? When people search for pets they are searching for the unnamed dead, they are searching for the named and still kicking pets. Yes me along with all the other name searchers can just skip over all those wasted pages but after searching for a few names it becomes time consuming to have to keep skipping over all those pages when we could just go straight to the 'A' names if all the extra pages were gone. So, then since this is, apparently, something that was meant to be put up with means that nobody should be making any kind of suggestions, at all, to make simple changes to anything on Res. We should all just 'deal', as you say, with how things are now, never change anything, and Res shall forever stay exactly as it is? And if someone goes on holiday and their pets die they will still be here on Res. All the owner would have to do is resurrect thier pet from the graveyard and 'VOILA' thier pet would once again be on the pet search. I will say this one more time. I am NOT requesting that any pet on Res be deleted from the system. So don't accuse me of such again. I am just asking that the pages containing hundreds of unnamed pets be removed not the pets themselves. One more thing I was not using any 'tone' with the staff, not intentionally anyways. 14brokenmirrors I am deeply sorry if I came off rude in any way. I was not trying to do so. Please let me know if I failed to cover anything from your reply. tle="Laughing" />
I'm a bee, I'm a bee, I'm a be-... I'm a wasp!
Selling names!
12:28am Jul 2 2010
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Cascadianlove, I'm just going to say that you are being extremely rude, Actuln was not using a 'tone' with staff, s/he is supporting their idea with argument, otherwise known as persuasion them to agree, in my point of view. ;) I think that this could be useful to some users, yet not for others. So maybe there could be an option for viewing the dead pets with no names or not, but some users look for pets that are in the graveyard, named or not. (:
12:42am Jul 2 2010
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Mindii you have now been appointed my savior. I was wondering if I was going to have to fight in the war alone until it was over. LOL So I made an edit to my initial post. Shall I put you down as a supporter to the edit?
I'm a bee, I'm a bee, I'm a be-... I'm a wasp!
Selling names!
1:26am Jul 2 2010 (last edited on 1:27am Jul 2 2010)
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Please do. :D And your way of argument and persuasion is the same as I would initially use in real life. C: I ultimately hate when users bail on others because they do not support, explanations of why and how it would affect the Res community and such I'm perfectly fine with, but if you simply don't support without a good reason why, I dont see the use in even posting in said thread. ;) EDIT; Also, I am not accusing anyone of anything, I'm just stating it as a fact. ;)
1:40am Jul 2 2010
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I don't support this idea mainly because I like disagreeing with people. Alright, being able to find a certain pet is a load more fun when it's hard to find. You can come across some interesting goodies along your search like really rare names priced at a low price in rancher shops. It makes it harder and you'll get less people that hoard all the really good names (which is poo, sorry guys). I'd keep it the way it is merely because it's harder; and when it's harder I find it funner xD But seriously, my main reason for disagreeing is because I like going on the side with less people on it. No hard feelings ;D
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